World Yoga Day is a day where the yoga teachers and schools around the world will donate their time and space to a two hour yoga session which is devoted to human rights. The class should be held from 11:00am – 1:00pm sharp, local time in each time zone, which will lead to a 24-hour yoga marathon around the world.
This is a NON-Profit prject with with NO commercial interest involved. Students attending the event will donate whatever tuition they can afford. All contributions are welcome and also students who can't pay at all – the money is important to help victims of human right violation but so is the spirit.
Found that this campaign only started in year 2007 and Germany has the most yoga teachers and schools/centers participated. This year 2009 is the first time that Malaysia participated and I only found yogaloft and yoga365 from Malaysia in the list. I couldn’t even find any participant from Hong Kong and Singapore. No wonder some of the practitioners yet to aware of this meaningful event.
This idea was originated from Germany by a film director cum yoga teacher living in Berlin, named Samira. One Saturday morning after a long night with little sleep, Samira was counting milk bubbles in her Cappuccino when the idea for World Yoga Day popped out of nowhere. When the fabulous Sandra, Bjoern and Lei joined her the idea started to walk. The milk bubble count was 6844.
Sandra is a freelancing interaction designer and graphic design teacher living and working in Berlin, Germany. Of course she's an enthusiastic yogi too and always searching for projects that actually do make a difference.
Björn is an IT professional who also living in Berlin. He did his very best to set up this accessible website for Samiras great idea of a WORLD YOGA DAY for charity. Let this union of yogis become an energetic swarm and in 2008 Björn became an enthusiastic and certified Tantra Practitioner.
Below are the past and current World Yoga Day:
21st Jan 2007 (Sun)
In 2007, they joined forces with Medica mondiale ( to contribute to the elimination of violence against women and girls in Afghanistan.
Donation collected so far: US$19,731 / €14,657
3rd Feb 2008 (Sun)
While China is fast developing into a global super-power, the human rights situation in China is still cause for concern. Therefore, in 2008 World Yoga Day decided to support AI's Human Rights for China campaign
Donation collected so far: US$37,085.45 / €23,394.22
8th Feb 2009 (Sun)
This year they like to support people in Zimbabwe. The country has been deteriorated in the 28 years regime under Robert Mugabe and brought about massive suffering to its population.
For further details, you may visit their website at
yogaloft and yoga365 were both registered for world yoga day by us and we are not here to gain any publicity because yogaloft is definitely not aware of this event anymore and yoga 365 is a 'pure-chinese' yoga centre, hence, we need not to advertise here.
as many of them in the blog had directly or indirectly defamed one of the personnel in our organization because of the previous matters, we are here to inform any relevant parties/individual that as long as we have accumulating sufficient evidence, we will initiate the legal proceedings immediately.
last but not least, do respect the ancient practice of yoga as everyone has the right to participate in this meaningful event and don't make our country, once again, another shame/ blackmark in yoga history.
if you are a yoga lover, you will know what to do.
Love and light
Yoga365 location:
Address: 19b jalan desa 2/8, desa aman puri, kepong.
yoga marathon time: 2/8/09,
1:00pm-2:30pm, 3:30pm-5:00pm
happy cny to everyone, this is our new blog ,
got many infomation wanna share with other
Yoga centres in bandar puteri, puchong puteri and kota damansara.
as a yoga teacher for more than 8 years, i'm ashamed of myself for being not knowing the world yoga day, again, i'm ashamed of the current yoga place that i'm practicing yoga, it seemed like they only know how to sell packages than promoting yoga.
yogalover, you must and have to acknowledge the effort of yoga365 to bring world yoga day to malaysia.
Most yoga teachers & centres won't involve because.. This current World Yoga Day is too political base.
what do you mean " political base"??
From my point of view, you mean ....the reason of "Most yoga teachers & centres won't involve of the World Yoga Day" is because.. This current World Yoga Day is Non profitable.
is non profitable? no wonder non of the yoga center in malaysia is joining this world yoga day...
that means its only yoga365 is doing for charity only.
anyone attend ypga365 class? who is the teacher teaching there?
yoga life style
Yoga is psychology and full set of life style, i learn many things from
yoga, is helps on my life, job and other, i use this change to share with
You all.
Nothiing ashame abt for not attending or not knowing abt the World Yoga Day.
Nothing so big deal abt centres that partcipate also.
I knew a centre that actually run charitable works also. They are not making it so big deal, their contribution to society is still valuable.
Charitable works are not something need to be compare of.
yeah, i just redeemed my yoga365 membership using my ex-yz membership, yoga365 is offering a very good deal for the ex-yz members.
why urban yoga change boss again? what is the package now? any special for ex yoga zone member?
i heard from the teacher there, tht urban yoga ownership change back to LG herself. aiya, is all "ka ki lang" tactic and charge us more. dun think i am going to be there already la. same place, nothing changed twice already from YZ to UY and now dunno to what.
may i know why some members still want to join back urban yoga? there are so many yoga centre now, yoga365 is doing special for ex yoga zone member,but its owned by TJ.If we are feeling not comfortable with him, we still can choose other yoga centre rather than urban!
once again my question, why choose to join urban yoga?
hey sunny, we want to join urban is our business, no need your money! please dont ever talk bad of our yoga centre!!!
Urban Yoga now is under new management called TSM. I regreted paid RM88 X 3 months cos it is going to move to Tasik Selatan. Too far from my house. I will stop after 3 months.
hey kk, yes, you are right, we cannot stop anyone from doing anything they want to do, malaysia is a democratic country. if you choose to commit suicide, we can't stop you also.
Urban Yoga is no more. Now it is under new management called TSM. Any one know abt this company. Ai keep changing management by actually the same boss. Can this TSM maintain its yoga business? Many members are making noise now. They feel that they are being coned to pay for 3 months member fees.
this is strange, moving to tasik selatan is acceptable provided they are giving official notification to everyone, but apparently they are not doing so, furthermore, moving location of outlet doesn't need to shut down the official website, right? then why the website is forbidden?
This is what I heard about Urban Yoga. Like every comment on this blog or elsewhere it is hard to filter the truth from the fib.Anyway,there is a notice that ownership of Urban Yoga has been taken over from February by TSM Global Bhd. You can check their accounts online.I was told by a staff of Urban Yoga that it will be renamed by the new management & they have not decided whether to move or not.
hi all, this is what i read from TSM GLobal website, but not sure is tht TSM. I dont feel like to join as TSM is industrial and manufacturing based company, are u sure they can do something good with yoga? just feel so strange and weird.
Tsm Global Berhad Formerly known as Juan Kuang (M) Industrial Berhad. The Group's principal activities are manufacturing and supplying wiring harnesses for motor vehicles, automotive accessories, automotive high tension ignition cable sets, polyvinyl chloride wires and cables. The Group also undertakes property dealing and investment holding. The Group operates wholly in Malaysia.
Yes, it's the TSM Global Berhad, an industrial based company that's connected to LG. By switching entity and changing hands like this, in no way that members can prosecute Urban Yoga or the new management anymore for not acknowledging your ex-yz membership anymore.
The best way is to switch to any other yoga centres but except this one. What a cunning trick!
please mind your word before you assume that TSM are related with LG, as i am aware LG already left Urban Yoga after feb, and the Urban yoga will be named as Energy starting 1st of March.
i felt so disgraced as the fellow members here are still holding their grudge from X-YZ until now, dont you felt urself are the 1 to be blamed as well before you pointing your finger to state other people continue to con your money ?
i can see yogalover are an active blogger previously being helpful to spend time for updating people and end up getting offensive comment from those Pro-TJ Supporters and getting questioned on her actions which are needed or not.
as from Yogajess, arent you all felt fun to join in as anonymous to help spreading the fire? and now you all blamed jess for startin the blog war and end up YZ collaspe ?
as yogaloft are opened, and a portion of pro-TJ had tried to join in, whats in the end? blogging,defaming and all sorts of bad mouthing on it, making another collaspe of a new empire, and you all blame it on etsu again.
Now 365 is on, and you guys, are on promoting their 25 or 50 complimentary class, and starting to spread among people, where you wanted to get back at least a little back from what u had loss.
Wake up la,
your money is already gone, take it as a lesson. if you dont trust some centre, then change your learning spot. dont keep on holding the mind where, Energy, Urban or 365 owe you. its yourself who dont know how to think before trust.
i like how 1 of the yoga staff pinpoint his word,
A moment of clear decision takes you to either win or lose situation. If you regret it, that’s means u never think about It”.
dont you all get your mind clear ?
yoga lover,
if you are doing what u think its not wrong, continue, dont worry what other people says.
my half cent comment,
sorry if offended any1 here
This morning Urban Yoga consultant in CP confirmed that next month the yoga center will move to Tasik selatan which is near to the industrial area. I think it is unfair to informed us so late as most of the members already paid for 3 months fee. I wnet to that area this afternoon. Frankly speaking I saw so many foreign workers espacially the Bangladeshish and Indo. I dun feel secure and comfortable. I dare not to attend to the yoga classes in the evening. I will only come for the morning classes. After 3 months I will switch to other yoga center.
dear ashtanga lover,
pardon me for never like ashtanga says of "keep on practicing and all is coming"! so, when will it be coming? like no tomorrows?
i'm thankful that you don't agree with what i say as i am a hatha lover, i don't like to presumption, but was left with no choice but to be cornered. do you think i'm "that" free to attack any of the yoga establishments here? were you one of those who signed up with yogaloft's package or phyiscially been there, seen that?
you don't even know me and how could you basically know my mind is clear or not, you can keep on believing in what you believe, thus, me too.
who's promoting the 25/50 complimentary classes? if you never mentioned, maybe many of them will not even know or aware of this, anyway, thanks for enlightening everyone here!
"think" before "trust"? or "trust" before "think"? shall i "think" that i can "trust" 365 or urban or now the new name, "energy"? i'm the one who pay for the package and i have the absolute right to choose to "think" first or to "trust" first, i can grumble all night long as i'm the one who got burned but not you, i can also chooose to "think" or "trust" the next establishment as it's me and my money.
thanks for your "worth less than half cents comment" and in fact, you did offend, not one, but many of them here.
yogalover, whatever you do is always with my support, but when you step on someone's tail or hurt my fellow friends, i will go all out, even if, i need to sacrifice myself, that's what friends are for!
Nicole, Dawid, Marcus, Kins, TJ, I love you all!
you're bravo! yes, we are hatha lovers, we love Dawid's class!达人瑜伽,万岁!!!
i still can't figure out, why TSM wants to take UY, isit because UY is so profitable in this 6 months and can help TSM to build their business better? in term of business i cant think of anything sense at all. unless they have some "under table" deal.
lan hwa,
u might be not too free to reply here, but i can see that you are just another one of those, educated in mind,
not educated in personality,
if i offense u, so sorry, cause i found that your word just like blindly follow TJ, Love him ?1 word 4 u, follow someone just by your eyes and your so called information.
i can only see people here like u, siding yourself with either TJ or Urban, u still dont get yourself clear where you stand ?
i felt so phatetic arguing with u all here, and yes, i am directly offended you here.
shall get quiet already,
argue again just bring more rumors spreading around.
lan hwa, you are right, it's nothing wrong to be supportive to anyone, i believe in what the magazine's said, but not what the ahstanga lover said.
heard that urban yoga/energy will be move to tasik selatan soon...
all current centre or cheras only?
365 is good, i am ex yz member, only pay rm75 then i get 50 classes. all my yz freinds are going to 365 now,urban yoga? nobody want to join anymore!
true, energy,the urban will move to Tasik Selatan soon! luckyly i din't sign up last week. thanks god!
Hey Tj, as long as you have not resolve ex-YZ members' prepaid fees, you should be the last person operating another yoga outlet. I wonder how you could do meditation or savasana with all the cheated members' souls clouding your mind! As I have commented many times, join other outlets instead of keep going back to someone who have cheated their members. People never change, in particular unscrupulous businessmen. Yoga 365's website all in mandarin. Although I can't read I am sure you are writing rubbish. By the way, I thought you have filed a court action to set aside the receivership. Can you update ex-YZ members on the outcome instead of talking yoga again which I think you not fit be one. According to the receivers, YZ's bank account only has RM20K+ when they went in. Where are the millions collected from us? Another reminder, please forget about joining outlets who have cheated members. Although some of you may not have been cheated due to timing(just plain lucky not smart)but trust me you will be cheated if you never learn. These unscrupulous businessmen will never change. During this trying times, it will be even worst!
what's happening to our surrounding? TJ, LG who is right n who is wrong ? The result is still the same, the big wave of yoga learning is gone. i 1 to stay away from them. Energy, 365 etc...they are liars.
from ex-yz cheated:"You think the yoga mats are made of gold with diamond coatings and all the showers are coated with diamonds plus all the teachers are paid like Investment Bankers?"
if the facilities is like what you mentioned, one million not even enough for the toilet lah! RM 1million investment for a 10000 square feet centre, fit out cost is around RM 100, quite reasonable ah! else, you want RM 1188 one year??? Maybe one month lah!
our whole gang of teachers will not support TJ!!! the only two of his dogs are following him. Nobody will trust him . Go back to Indonesia to cheat Rupiah!!!
We all know the truth!!! pay us our hard earn money!!
I really wonder if TJ is not doing anything wrong or cheated, there is no need to clarify in such a hurry. The main is he want to promote his Yoga365!! phui .........all the lies to the reporter.
Since Tj is the direct aggrieved party(thus has the legal standing) as a result of LG's receivership action, the best solution would be for him to take legal action to set aside the receivership and claim for damages against LG and the receivers. In late 2008, he had filed an action to set aside the receivership,with the support of a few members and a few bodyguards! For the first time I actually saw how he looks like as he appeared in a few newspapers and NTV7 news. The hearing was set for mid-October 2008. Till todate no further development. The receivership and actions taken after the receivership were a classic case of abusing the legal process to avoid paying the creditors(including members) since she was a 10% shareholder(if true) and the inaction of the receivers to salvage the business. This would be the most appropriate course of action to take since how can a 90% shareholder(if true) be kick out by a 10% shareholder(if true). Unless what have been prayed in the affidavit to support the receivership were true. Sue the parties and compensate the creditors(including members)after being awarded by the court. Otherwise, the cheated members' soul(nearly 20,000 as reported) will haunt you for life. One each month will take 20,000 months (that's more than 1,666 years!) to finish haunting you. Even at 1%, will still take 200 months or more than 16 years. How can you still sell the membership when the company is already insolvent? Some of them actually signed up and paid for it a few days before closing down! What a cheat! Show us we were wrong in blaming you,Tj!
annonymous, if those sign up a few days before it changed hand to Urban is definitely the receiver good work. As i remember, before YZ is received, they were only selling single passes.
TJ like to ‘borrow’ other people name to put comment on every blogs including here…..really worst mannner!
believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest.”
If i have chance to bump into TJ. I'll keep far away this creature from going crazy. Mad guy!After all, those things only happen to other peoples.
Reason why I don't trust TJ and run anything bck to Sabah ... a charismatic "con man" who was never "truly honest...telling lie....blame peoples. I have his evidence that he borrowed moneys from Ah Long.
yes, correct. TJ you should move on in life," HANDLE IT WITH DIGNITY - Accept that your best time is over and your life will be more peaceful. .......
TJ never apologized or admitted any culpability for not paying salary to all the staff was particularly galling to him. I really hate him.
Dear yogalover,
No matter how busy you are, or ignorance you are, kindly take immediate action to halt this eyesore in our practice, the title you posted is "World Yoga Day 2009 [Sunday on 8th Feb 2009]", the most sacred day for yoga practitioners in the world.
What the people do here is merely a personal attack which I'm definitely not interested to read or to know. What we want to read from your blog is yoga events updates, yoga centers preview or comment and yoga practice experience. I saw one of the blogger abused Dharma Mitra's name and commented in Chinese words, after my friend translated for me,my heart is so pain that our Malaysia's yoga society is the most ashamed one so long as I know.
There's no topic not talking about money, power, individually owned company, hatred, jeolousy, defamation, slander, insult, badmouth, favoratism, backstab, this will eventually bring yoga practice in our country to an end.
We, as Muslims, are fighting for every possible chance to learn this beautiful and meaningful practice, and some here are having all out to make sure this practice will be automatically eliminated one day. I truly cannot comprehend the reason behind.
Following some of the previous comment that everybody shall just bury the hatchet and move on with their respective life, but what I can see now is this will be a never-ending story.
I'm left with no choice but to sincerely advise you, either the blog is fully controlled in a proper method ( even if you maybe busy with your current job, but running a popular blog like yours is just like running a media station ), you have to be responsible for any unfiltered comments, bearing in mind that any of the comments may cause you a law sue for defamation.
I am equally concern and love yogalover just like any of our yoga friend here and I am with all good intention to write this and believing in yoga philosophy.
yogalover, do something, don't wait till too late, I don't want you to lose your reputation.
God blessed.
After i browse thru all the messages. I feel that Yoga is sick, everyone is sick. Some used dirty words, some were sarcastic, some cursed the others like anything ? and it's never end. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? make sure u dun let your kids read what u wrote in this blog.
Shareen 小姐,
Dear YogaLover,
I appeal to u to delete all/majority of the comments here.. most of them r too ugly to be readed..not to mention tis a yoga blog
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