
Monday, September 29, 2008

Ojas Yoga (3)

Free Trial Class
5th to 10th Oct 2008

Oct 5th (Sun)
10:00am - Intro Yoga (Gilbert)
12:30pm - Intro Vinyasa (Gilbert)
2:00pm - Intro Yoga (Yoon)

Oct 6th (Mon)
9:00am - Intro YogaCore (Gilbert & Jane)

10:30am - Intro Yoga (Gilbert)
5:30pm - Intro Yoga (Gilbert & Jane)
7:00pm - Vinyasa (Yoon)

Oct 7th (Tue)
9:00am - Yin (Yoon)

10:30am - Hatha (Yoon)
5:30pm - Vinyasa (Yoon)
7:00pm - YogaCore (Jane)

Oct 8th (Wed)
9:00am - YogaCore (Gilbert)

10:30am - Hatha (Gilbert)
5:30pm - Yin (Jane)
7:00pm - Yogacore (Jane)

Oct 9th (Thu)
9:00am - Hatha (Jane)

10:30am - Yin (Jane)
5:30pm - Intro Pilates (Ethan)
7:00pm - Vinyasa (Yoon)

Oct 10th (Fri)
9:00am - Vinyasa (Gilbert)

10:30am - YogaCore (Gilbert)
5:30pm - Yin (Yoon)
7:00pm - YogaCore (Jane)

Please call @ 016-335 4773 or 016-311 2773 for reservation to avoid any disappointment.

Enjoy Your Class...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Gilbert. So pleased abt the new center. To him life moves on. Lets hope the ex 90%yz bos won't start to 'tembak' gilbert in the blog as what he is doin to some of the ex-staff now.(too free) Pointing fingers at everyone except himself. Not accepting his own mistake and collapse.

yogababy said...

Yogalover, I certainly hope Ojas is giving you 1 month complimentary classes for advertising widely & constantly of their new studio :)

Anyway, congrats Ojas. Isn't it great that YZ has closed & giving opportunity to teachers to become their own boss now?? I think it's fantastic!!!

Yoga Lover said...

Hi YogaBaby,

How are you? Thanks for your kind concerns. Glad if have this kind of offer. But my ultimate intention is hope that all the YZ victims can find a yoga center that suit to their needs, so that can continue yoga practice. Will try to post more like Les Studio and others...

How are your yoga classes at the nice pool side at Manara Bukit Ceylon? You too have put in a lot of kind efforts in arranging all these classes. Hope everything goes well for you and wish all of you enjoy the practice. Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

Hope they will open another center near Kepong/Selayang area. Bukit Jalil too far for me.

Anonymous said...

Yah even better if they can open another 1 in PJ, nevr had a chance to attend gilberts class.

Anonymous said...

Yogalover, do u hv any details of new yoga center - Yogaloft, which under Etsu Wellness, Japan will open on Nov at Kelana Jaya.

yogababy said...

Hi YogaLover,

Classes here at Menara Bukit Ceylon is fine, small group, therefore, more attention from teacher and more personal practise.We had a class today.

Maybe someday, you can come to my condo for a practise. Infact, if you are free on Thursday 6.00pm, come for a class with Felix. E-mail me or leave a message at my blog. Hope to see you, I mean I certainly want to meet a good person like you that has dedicated so much time & effort updating everyone.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous 9.15pm

For PJ area, there's SunYoga at TTDI, check their website

They have Indra, Lily, can't remember the other YZ teacher's name, but you can see the list of teachers at their website.

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Anonymous (30 Sep @ 10:42pm),

Sorry that I don't have any information about Yogaloft. Just heard about this name lately that it will be a new stup studio by TJ. Is it true?

Hi YogaBaby,

Thanks for your kind invitation. Hope to join you all if I can make it one day and wish to meet up with you too, a kind yoga friend.

I just signed-up with Life Yoga and started the class last weekend. Just attended Christy's Yogilates this evening and really enjoyed it.

Lets move forward together and to spread the good yoga spirit to everyone.

Have a nice holidays break. Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

Is it really true abt yogaloft by etsu? is this the yoga joint that oneyoga was talking abt??I reeeeally HOPE its true!

Anonymous said...

Will TJ be teaching at this yogaloft in KJ?Oh please let this BE TRUE!

Anonymous said...

Did anybody join the FREE yoga class by Etsu wellness at lakeside Plaza Kelana Jaya on last Sun morning, taught by 3 teachers at thr same time.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous 11.18pm..

OH such a long holiday..yes last sunday they is a free class conducted by Dawid,sean and relly a nice place for the yoga every sunday i need to wake up early coz it realy make me to go there..feel like full of"OM" now..if anyone like to enjoy the fresh air and good come and join them every sunday 7.45am @Plaza Kelana Jaya lakeside..........:)

Anonymous said...

The FREE yoga class by Etsu wellness at lakeside Plaza Kelana Jaya, they have the session every sunday 7.45am? Need to call anyone for booking or just walk in and join like that? Just bring our own yoga mat will do?

Anonymous said...

can i know where is plaza kelana jaya? anyone mind to give the direction?

Anonymous said...

i went for the class at plaza kelana jaya last week, stupid me, spent 20mins to look for the place, it's actually a turning from LDP main road, it's behind the ex-Kelana Jaya seafood, the best way is paying attention to the mini signboard that showing RHM (red color), i think it's a company in plaza kelana jaya. when i reach there, i shouted loudly, because the scenery is too panaromic, my loviest teacher, Dawid laughed at me still.. haha.. dear all, the view is unbeatable, not in any ex-YZ location, i can see the sincerity that this company contributed to setup this yoga joint, i almost wanted to Kepong UY, but after thinking for few days, i decided to pay the RM1.60 LDP toll and the travel time to be a genuine yoga practitioner! life goes on, dawid see you coming week :) yeah! finally!

Anonymous said...

sorry, i'm working in etsu group, "etsu" is all in small capital letter, not Etsu, sorry ar.. my boss is very particular about branding.

Anonymous said...

Is it conform that there will be a yoga session by Etsu wellness at lakeside Plaza Kelana Jaya on every sunday 7.45am? Do we need to call anyone for booking? as i'm interested to join. Just bring along our own yoga mat will do right?

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous12.23am

OH Yes..Just bring your own yoga mat and towel will do..dont worry the 3 teachers are so wellcome us to come..I never attend sean class before but i like to look at his face..oh he's so"leng chai";)

Anonymous said...

Really? Oh I must attend the class one of these sundays, have not experienced practising yoga with a panoramic view!

Yoga Lover said...

Hi etsushirley,

Is it true that etsu wellness going to open Yogaloft in various places in Klang Valley? Any way can contact the relevant personnel for further information?

Hi Kepong Aunty,

Thanks for sharing the info. Btw, is this yoga session at the lakeside Plaza Kelana Jaya only once a week on every Sun @ 7.45am? Do you have any idea when will they officially open the studios there or any way to find more details? THANKS.

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous (3oct12.18 pm),

Yes a very nice place and cool environment:)!. Those interest to view plaza kelana jaya can log on to this real estate portal.

Anonymous said...

Dear yogalover,

I just sms Dawid, he doesn't want to tell much, this is his reply:
"sorry, ( my name - sorry, don't want to reveal here ), yoga loft is one of the business division of etsu wellness, the planning started since 2007, we want to build steadily with good quality. After all, the boss believe in longevity of the business. The first year plan is 5 locations, we will reveal officially through proper media chanenels, FYI, kepong is in the list. See you coming Sunday ya, don't forget to bring your sister along, from Dawid ;))

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Kepong Aunty,

Many thanks for your speedy reply and your kindness in checking with Dawid. You're really efficient...

I have tried to surf thru the website related to Yogaloft and etsu group but unable to get any relevant info.

Once again, thank you.

Anonymous said...

There was another yoga practice at Taman Metropolitan Kepong.Its free too.

Anonymous said...

Dear Yogalover,

Aunty just finished watching 家好月园last episode,米雪went to jail, made me think of someone...

Holidays, so hand itchy still log on to see what happen in your blog, ha ha!

I also log on the website, only got one page showing yoga loft logo and etsu logo and november, hope to see more also.

yogalover, why not you join aunty this sunday to go to the class, anyway, it's free.

I asked dawid and he said no need to book, because they just want people to exprience the lakeside yoga, but ican tell you, morning time the air is so fresh and the lake is so beauttiful, the up-market mamak restaurant is just beside, we had our teh tarik there like at Stabucks, price is very cheap also.

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Kepong Aunty,

Thanks for your invitation but will be going to Ojas Yoga trial class tomorrow morning.

Btw, thanks for highlighting my typo error about the venue of the outdoor yoga by YOgaloft on my latest post this afternoon.

家好月园 is really a nice HK series with good and happy ending. Hope we all will also find our true happiness too. You must be a very nice and kind aunty as can feel warm and sincerity in your comment. Wish you Happy Always and enjoy your outdoor yoga practice tomorrow morning.

Anonymous said...

Dear kepong aunty,
Hi do u know what is the yogaloft website? I tried but nothing.Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I really hope puchong is one of the 5 locations. Is difficult for me to travel so far currently due to transportation problem. :(
Really miss Zen and Dawid class.

Anonymous said...

Hope that yogaloft can open one at taman desa too!

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