
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lets Move Forward and Continue Yoga Practice

Yoga Zone crisis has been prolonged for quite some time and finally concluded and declared closure by the receiver, Ferrier Hodgson MH Sdn Bhd. Really sad as all the members' monies (including my hard earn membership fees) are gone and so many of the members are still servicing the credit card installments for nothing till....

Nothing much I can do. Instead of blaming, I choose to move forwad as I can't change the history but I have a choice for today and tomorrow. As such, I have been busy looking around for alternatives as a lot of new born yoga centers within Klang Valley lately ever since YZ went under the receivership. I hope this blog can provide and share the information with those YZ victims who still keen to continue yoga practice. At the same time can also disseminate the information about some of the ex-YZ teachers new setup studios or the place they are teaching, as many ex-YZ students are so concerned their favourite teachers' whereabouts.

I expect most of the interested readers here are the ex-YZ practitioners, teachers, the new setup or existing yoga centers. However, just realised that Ms Lim Lay Gaik is also following up this blog besides YogaJess' blog. I received her email against one of the comments in my blog. She said someone has created a false email address under her name to receive enquiries and reply. This could be caused by the earlier comments in YogaJess' blog. I wonder why didn't she explain in Yogajess' blog or my blog here. I think may be she worry readers can't differentiate it as too many Lim Lay Gaik comments in the blogs and has no way to contact Jess but my email address is available here. Anyway, below is the contents and she has given her real email address to contact.

Hi Yogalover, wonder if you can clarify this on your blog. Anonymous said I replied her email. is not my email add. My email is, so I suspect someone created an email to get enquiries and reply making me sound like a bitch! Any chance of you helping me out here? You can post my actual email add. I don't mind.

Thanks so much.

Lay Gaik

The Anonymous commented at the post "The End of Yoga Zone" on 26 Sep @ 9:55pm, you may try to re-forward your email or query to the above mentioned email Lets see what will be the reply by the real Lim Lay Gaik and please do update us. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

i wonder if TJ reading yogalover blog too. just wonder if he able to do something to revive yogazone. i heard that the receivership is invalid..

Unknown said...

TJ and LG makes nbo difference.They are both YZ shareholders.Both of them have to responsible.

Anonymous said...

Just heard that the time-table posted in Urban Yoga website is just to appease the members to get them to join. One of teachers had informed that his scheduled classes are different from that in the website.

Anonymous said...

Let's just move on and forget abt Urban Yoga la, its not abt the $ anymore,its how Lay Gaik handled this whole receivership issue and left us all in the dark( during receivership),at least TJ had guts to face us all in yogajess blog.

Anonymous said...

Agreed with you, TJ had guts not only replied at yogajess blog but also personally appeared to face the members, public & media. LG? just hide behind to do dirty works, shame on her!

Anonymous said...

Lay Gaik will only appear when someone tends to damage her 600k or her urban yoga! The real cowards are t
lay gaik and the stupid uglykid- phyllis pek!

Anonymous said...

I rather give my money to other yoga centres now rather than giving it to Lay Gaik( UY) even tho some of my fav teachers are still with UY.

Anonymous said...

the instructors in UY? Huh! Do you mean those same standard as uglykid? Forget about it!

Anonymous said...

TJ! sigh.. please yoga mind, not only yoga body! already have place for let peoples to learn yoga, still want to ruin peoples yoga life, you already done so much damage, won't you feel tired! stop accusing Urban Yoga ok? All teachers here are great teachers!

Anonymous said...

keep your mouth shut and maybe you still can live in malaysia, where else can you go, poor thing? let it go, it already marked the end of your yoga business, it's ok to be a loser, nothing be worse than a loser!

Anonymous said...

So, Urban Yoga really got "relation" to LG huh?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Yoga Lover said...

Dear Uglykid,

I welcome everyone to comment here including TJ and Lay Gaik. But, please be kind and respect others and DON'T start any war here.

I just wish here is a peaceful blog for everyone to discuss about yoga and hope all the YZ victims can recover soon from the anger, disappointment, sadness and etc that caused by the YZ incident. Life still need to move on, so please don't put on the fire again.

Please be reminded that the title of this post - "Lets Move Forward and Continue Yoga Practice".

I believe Uglykid also has a beautiful heart. So, please don't be anger and curse anymore as it will cause bad karma... May God bless you and wish you happy always. Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

yoga vic,

Lots of YZ members stand beside TJ initially, but some support to lay gaik. I dun care whose wrong/right, no money refund to us while noticed by receiver the end of YZ.

My friend knew TJ that he is a big gambler and "kaki botol". He gambled until threw company money to casino!! that's why YZ financial worst till no single cents left. in this case, no one can trust!!

i still keep paying credit card installment dun know for what....

Anonymous said...

anonymous 12.24am,

I'm TJ's forth aunty, I have been reading blogs of Yoga Zone case for some time. Never want to make any comment, but just want to let you know TJ is really bad in shape and he is jobless now, he's staying with his parents at the flat, not to plead sympathy, but I visited them once, really sad, floor is cement only. He actually had some savings but all taken out to help the company when time was difficult for the company. I'm not too sure whether he went to office or not but can assure you he worked day till night and finding all possible ways to salvage the company, though finally fail, but I salute this boy.

He started from ground zero to build Yoga Zone, no one can understand his feeling as it's not easy to take it.

I know my nephew quite well and can assure you he's not a gambler as you mentioned. Yes, he does drink but only beer and wine, which I believe is quite acceptable. The credit should be given to him in a way that he never hide whatever he's doing, he never deny he drinks. Furthermore, I know that he doesn't like to entertain, that's why he only drink some beer at home.
I met him before Yoga Zone collapsed on June, he was drinking quite a lot and I did advice him not to overdo it, but he told me he's truly pressurized, he keeps on asking me to help him to introduce some bankers ( I'm actually working in a Singapore-base bank ), and I can see his sincerity.
Everyone deserves a second chance to live, included TJ. I don't want to mention too much as I don't want others to think that I'm TJ again.

Anonymous said...

TJ ! stop pretending again! TJ! stop it! don't you understand! S-T-O-P ! shut up!

Anonymous said...

Dear Yogalover,

Although I don't know yoga, I believe you are a peace lover too, you will know what to do. :-)

Anonymous said...

i support tj!

Anonymous said...

Dear TJ,
As i mentioned before Im grateful to u as u were the one that brought yoga to so many of us and helped us discover the joy of yoga.You will be fine,this is a temporary defeat for you, not permanent failure.You will rise above again and be greater and stronger! YOU CAN REBUILD UR DREAM AGAIN, YOU ARE STILL YOUNG!REMEMBER,EVERY ADVERSITY BRINGS WITH IT THE SEED OF AN EQUIVALENT OR GREATER BENEFIT.

Anonymous said...
Insight story on YZ?

Lay Gaik owns Urban Yoga?

Whatever it is, life goes on, but we still deserves to know what's happening and NOT to support or get cheated again!

If we didn't check properly and join a yoga centre which belongs to the person who has done all those previous stuff, do you think it's fair?
Sure, life still goes on, but live smart!
For the person who has done the damage and re-opens back any business would definitely hope everyone forgets and move on, but we as victims should act and live smarter!

Anonymous said...

life moves on, but wrong is wrong, right is right.

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Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you penning this article and the rest of the site is really good.