Below is the e-letter received and please click on it for better viewing. You may also find the same from yogaloft's website now as they just uploaded it.
Just be updated that there are slight changes on the schedule for Sat (22nd Nov) and Sun (23rd Nov) noon and evening classes. The 7:00pm class is cancelled but additional 1 class at 12:30pm. I have re-attached the revised e-letter below for your easy reference. [updated on 21 Nov 2008 @ 10:00pm]
Beside the e-letter, I have also received an email from SH (my regular visitor) who is so kind to share the details of yogaloft's package. Below is the email content:
The fee structure is quite similar to Astro or telephone bill.
Initial Package Price
The package comprises of :
1) Admin fee @ RM100
2) Refundable deposit @ RM200
3) I-card @ RM 50
4) 1month deposit @ RM128
5) December fee @ RM128
In total, an initial charge @ RM606 and you may pay RM1 to purcharse yogaloft mat which retail price @ RM199 (washable in washing machine. It is white colour and limited stock available.
You can get - Free class during November & unlimited class in December. Once you have signed up, you have to commit to 1 year. Otherwise, a penalty fee is imposed for breach of contract! (plese further clasrify this term with the consulatant there face to face for a better understanding).
Monthly Basic Package
Basic package: RM128/month for 10 hours (RM128 is minimum charge even if you attend less than 10 hours)
Additional hour after the 10th hour, will charge @ RM10 per hour
If you attend a total of 15hour in the month of Dec, they will charge you RM128 for the 1st 10 hour and subsequent 5hour @ 5hour x RM10 = RM50. So they will send you a bill of total RM178 in the end of the month or following month.
yogaloft practices paperless. All the expenses will be using I-card. Every time your entry to class, u need to swipe the card including the massage, cafeteria & purchase of book from their store. All will be using that I-card. At the end of the month, they will bill according to your spending which recorded in the I-card.
Points Collection
You will also get points on your spending (like Genting point or Bonuslink). So you can redeem gifts by the points collected. If you recommend friend to join, extra points will be given.
Easy e-Booking Services
If you have signed up the membership, you can book the class through online even the place you want to be at (the mat location in the studio). A maximum practitioners per class is at 25, not more than that!
Actually very soon, yogaloft will be getting more outlet, but Nicole refuse to let me know!
Ok, this is the general information and their colour is WHITE!
Hi SH,
I have slightly modified your email but content remained. Hope you won’t mind… Once again, thanks for your useful information. CHEERS ^_^
Message to all my dear readers,
I will be attending a 3 full days seminar from 22th to 24th Nov. As such, would not be able to further update you all during this period but will definitely revert as soon as I'm back on 25th Nov (Tue).
Wish you all enjoy your weekend calsses at your respective studios including the "Hello" Classes at yogaloft and also have a nice weekend. CHEERS ^_^
Thanks Yoga Lover :)
Full of useful information.. Saturday i will visit Yogaloft to try the class..But i stay in Cheras, ask me go Kelana Jaya for yoga is very far, summore have to work, so jz can go on weekend:(
Hi Tangzi,
You can go weekend only, 4 classes one month, the rest of 6 classes passed to your friends.
We can share class ticket among each others.
wow. excellent. i am going to check out yogaloft this weekend too.
as i know , the rm128-10 hours a month is for individual, no sharing, why anonymous 12.36pm say like that? who told you about this???
Very attractive & reasonable package for high end people, but not cheap for aunties who go yoga everyday, they've to pay RM328 per month if they join...the other way round sound better leh i.e. RM10 per hour with maximum charge per month of offend ya..haha...I know yogaloft is capturing different market.. Anyway, hope yogaloft will open more outlets..
Dear le,
i just got their consultation as well during lunch hour,beautiful place, breathtaking and panaramic lakeside view, the shower area is bravo! with the powdedr area in shower cubicles,first time i ever seen in fitness/yoga centre, i use to be yz damas member, but now ( no offend ), in camparison, yz ( now urban yoga ) is 5 years behind in both design and deco. I love the concept of "less is more". this is what i always tell my boy friend, living in life of simplicity.
Be very frank, yogaloft just give me the kind of touch and details that really care about me ( oppsss...i'm a 30-something woman ), it's been long time didn't see any genuine / sincere operators that still care about us than the money in our wallet.
Hope i will fall in "loft" again as what they mentioned in their newsletter.
my god! they are using the designer's piece furniture! saw the photos/presentation showed by Dawid, the lockers wil be all white, hmm...i think i want to stay there than just a yoga class, hahaha!
Thanks momoco, I'll definitely join yogaloft if they're opening outlet near my house or office..
do you believe colour represents the thinking and mindset of a person/business?
ojas yoga is red, it shows passion of teaching in gilbert, myoga is brown, it shows the earthy element in life, hmmm... now the interesting two yoga centres that become talk of the town: yogaloft and urban yoga.
yogaloft is "white" ( i don't know how "white" are them cause no time to visit yet ), it gives me the preception of simplicity and purity feeling; interesting enough now, urban yoga is "blue", so does the new owner sub-consciously convey her thinking, feeling "blue"?
it's only my personal analysis, no attack/ reply is necessary.
was there earlier to check out the place. i'm going for the 7pm class by felix, spoke to nicole. she was kind enough to apologize to the slight mess and dust as they were still in renovation period. "thought that was a nice gesture". she explained the package to me and asked me to join the class first. not pushy, which i like. i really like the feel. white, just pure and clean.....
Hi all,
I'm glad to read all your comments lately and proud of you all.
Nowadays, I hardly censor any comment and found that everyone learning to respect each other by telling that it is personal opinion and feelings. No offend to their comments, it is not attack and etc.
I like all your sharing and comments. Love you all...
p/s: all your comments about yogaloft make me so eager wanted to visit their studio. But unfornately busy and only can try to make it earliest end of next week. Please do share with me more once you have experienced it. Thank you!
Agree with le, its expensive loh for ppl who go yoga 6 to 7 times per week :( Maybe yogaloft can come up with a 2nd package for those who go yoga almost everyday, i wouldnt mind paying rm228- rm250 per month for unlimited classes,hope yogaloft will look into an unlimited monthlyclass package :) The rm128 is ok for those who only attend yoga 3 to 4 times per week.
hear that they will go with this package named "i-loft" first, it's not committing 12 months la, in order to give those first hand experience, so you just need to commit 6 months and can cancel then, i think what yogaloft do is quite right, like celcom, maxis, even tenaga national, all will collect deopsit for that, as we worried to be conned again, yogaloft also worry we can them mah, fair deal, fair deal.
i just wonder why yogaloft can do so, but others cannot leh?
yogaloft, fast fast open in cheras lah, bored with the same outlet,same teachers, less class, change name and chearge RM 88 already, only pay you RM 40 extra mah and i can have all these luxuries, sap sap soi lah!
was there this morning, quite happy with it. i did ask the reason why they don't offer unlimited classes, reason given was they don't want the members to have problem of not able to participate classes during peak hours, i stil remember last time at yz damas, it happened cause some of the members sneak into the class without getting the pass from the frontdesk and then those who booked already can't get in, then all quarrelled and almost fight.
after listen to this, it boost my confidence immediately, now my only holdback is i'm staying in old klang road however, those yoga centres along this road is still doing back the same thing what yz had done before, as the very first member in taman desa yz last time, we used to be papmpered by tj ( though the outlet is small but all the best quality were them because it's tj's first outlet ).
tj, no worries, those who write on the blog are those who attack you, we are not those stupidly believe in it. if you aren't part of yogaloft, i'll still join and hope they can deliver what they promised; if you are part of yogaloft, i will support wholeheartedly, recommending and introducing friends, sign my mother and daughter in also immediately, simply your proven track record, this is why i can see the customer-orientated touch in yogaloft.
yeah. i have sign up today. Attended the hello yogaloft class by felix. He is good and the environment is no where else in KL nor PJ can compare,indeed is facing the lake very relaxing
Attended penny's hello class at noon today, she's really good,kept adjusting and correcting me coz im quite stiff(hehe),felt so good and relaxed after class. havent had this sort of feeling since aug.Glad to have yoga back in my life again :)
ear that serena is going to teach there also? is it right? oh my god, if this miss yoga everywhere is teaching there, i won't be joining her class at all cause every class costs me RM 12,80, not worth the investment at all, or maybe i should say she will face stiff challenge from all the eneregetic, young and enthusiastic teachers like penny, zen, felix and thomas; if experience wise, she sure lose out to Jennifer, my favorite hatha teacher, last time serena and gilbert were her students too, that time gilbert was still operating a hair saloon few doors away from yoga zone plaza damas, yoon was his assistant, but now all become teachers and open new studios within few years, good to see that!serena is mleast favorite in the list simply because she likes to gossip with we members a lot after class. if she can change her attitude and learn to respect all others, she can be better. i like one of the comment previously said, "respect is meant to be gain, not in the package"! Alright, this is my personal opinion, no offend.
dear yoga centres in klang valley,
i considered myself as one of the most fussy customer in klang valley ( never thinnk that i just want price slash, it doesn't work for me at all ), i will spending wisely if and only the product/service is convincing enough, and you can be rest-assured that i'm a loyal customet. I joined yoga zone plaza damas since they opened, and was pretty happy with everything till changed the stupid manager transferred from penang with a "sound-to-be-cute" name "mickey", compare with the previous manager, Jessica, though Jessica is much younger but more attentive and friendly as well as humble also.
I have been seraching for yoga centres, and I had seen all the yoga centres mentioned in yogalover's posts and make sure i logged on to this blog daily without fail ( imagine don't even know how to switch onu my son's laptop before this ), yogaloft earns the credits from the way to position, marketing and also consistency. However, dear all in yogaloft, you all had past the first stage and I'm impressed, now come to "fulfilling your promise" stage, your package is more than reasonable for the quality and investments, particualrly you have the most unique selling point of the lake and the most energetic teachers ( i'm Felix's fans ) which i don't think any yoga centres can win over you, remember to stay focus, don't do whatever yoga zone have done before by dropping price,cause this will piss off the customers who pay higher price. if those who just want to purchase "cheap" price is not your targeted customers, you will get your support and get your own supporters that will stay with you for long ultimately.
I was one of the mysterious visitor to your outlet yesterrday ( that didn't want to leave my name, nicole attended to me ), i will pay a visit again mid of next week and i will hope to see a brand new yoga centre with good energy that can impress me enough to join again ( i was plaza damas lifetime member before ).
to other yoga centres,
the competition have just began.
to all yoga practitioners,
we should hope for the best quality and reasonable pricing rather than just judge by pricing, and let's expect the "diva"'s treat from them very very soon.
ms.mont kiara,
completely agree!
yes, i agree with mrs. mont kiara! yogaloft, keep it up!
Serena really teach at yogaloft ar? This is great great news,
Dear Quelenun, thank you so much inform us!
Quelenun, do you know when she will be having trial class? we sure attend and join Yogaloft later!
Serena is the best teacher!
in life, you pleased some, you irritated most, dear Quelenun, thanks for informing us, we will have the collective writing when we join yogaloft to ensure she teach the off-peak hours class and leave most of us to have peace of mind, she already ruined yoga zone directly, no more Serena.
If Serena is the best, then we prefer to learn from the second best.
Dear yogaloft,
kindly do your checking on her inconsistency on yoga centre's schedule, she has been hopping around to gain popularity, i even joined her once at pandan lake club, nothing special other than talking like a walking "patanjali", if a group of followers will join your studio because of her, they may leave at anytime when she's hopping to other centre again.
like others, it's our collective opinions about her ethic as an yoga guru, nothing personal.
hi yogalover,thanks for giving us the yoga lovers a platform to share yoga.
i am a practitioner at Justyoga, Hartamas. The studio is run by Darren (formerly from Yoga Zone)Dennis and Chris are also teaching there.
I like the small and intimate set up. I think it is excellent for new or even adavanced practitioners because with a small group, the teachers are able to give individual attention.
They will be organising a yoga retreat to Chiangmai next March. You can check them out at
Happy practising.
Upsetting news (quoted from The Star, 22/11/08)-
Fatwa Council says yoga with worshipping, chanting is prohibited (updated)
Fatwa Council says yoga with worshipping, chanting is prohibited
PUTRAJAYA: The National Fatwa council has declared that the yoga practice which involves three elements of physical movements, worshipping and chanting as haram (prohibited) in Islam.
Its chairman Datuk Dr Abdul Shukor Husin said although merely doing the physical movements of yoga minus the worshipping and chanting might not be wrong in the eyes of the religion, it should be avoided as “doing one would lead to another”.
He said yoga has been practised by the Hindu community for thousands of years and incorporates physical and religious elements and chants and worshipping, with the aim at “being one with God”.
“Because of this, we believe that it is inappropriate for Muslims to do yoga and the council has declared that practising yoga when it comes all together with the three elements as haram.
“We discourage Muslims to do yoga as a form of exercise because it will ultimately lead to religious worshipping and chanting which is against Islam.
“In Islam, one must not do things which can erode one’s aqidah or faith. Doing yoga, even just the physical movements is a step towards an erosion of one’s faith in the religion, hence Muslims should avoid it,” he told a press conference.
He added that the council had come up with an edict on yoga as the matter was brought up to them following growing concerns whether it would be against the religion if Muslims do the exercise.
Recently, a lecturer Prof Zakaria Stapa of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Islamic Studies Centre advised Muslims who had taken up yoga to stop practising it for fear that they could deviate from the teachings of Islam.
Shukor said the declaration of yoga as haram was done after serious and indepth discussions were made by the council members who met last month.
He added after studying the matter, including the history and purpose of yoga where the ultimate aim was to “be one with God”, the council decided that it was inappropriate for Muslims as it could affect one’s faith.
Asked if the decision would draw flak within the Malaysian community, including the non-Muslims, he said the ruling was only meant for Muslims and the rest were free to practise yoga.
“The fatwa (edict) is meant solely for the Muslims to follow. The non-Muslims need not question or debate about this because they are free to do whatever they wish. It is the Muslims who have to adhere to this,” he added.
Shukor said once the edict was gazetted, it would be up to the state governments on how they plan to implement and enforce the ruling as religious affairs come under its purview.
“Malaysia is not the only country which declare yoga as haram in Islam. Singapore and Egypt have come out with the same edict as well,” he said.
He said Muslims must be careful as to not do things which could erode their faith, adding the religion strongly advocates “prevention is better than cure”.
“There are many other forms of exercise that Muslims can partake especially when the religion promotes healthy living and lifestyle. Performing prayers for example is a good form of exercise,” he said
so, ninie ahmad need to stop her yoga?
hey, i attended 2 classes at yogaloft today, but i dint sign...
still need to consider first, anyway i plan to attend 2 more free class tomoro...since its free...
huh? can attend so many time meh,the hello class? but when i went yogaloft yesterday,after 1 class by felix,but i dint sign yet,cuz need to be 1 year... the girl say can only 1 more free trial for me only??
hai ya ... same style with yz lo... 1 say free free free,but 1 say cannot free free that lo.. always no system, no same, no pro at all... sigh...
The ambassador there are good,but not "pai-sai"meh if trial many time and not signing....
hi girlgirl,must feel "pai-sai" lah,but if you become auntie then is like that loh..
auntie, then i think urban yoga more suitable for you lor... cause if you join yogaloft, sure lots of others will be affected by your auntie's attitude. Why not you think of grooming yourself to be a "tai tai"?
miss c, auntie and ex yz ppl,
i think ask the ambassadors whether i can try more classes or not, she's ok to give me another free class, but it's from company's set quota. so dear all, if you are seriously considering about signing, then you no need to waste their credits to give to other potential members mah, cause if you sign now, all classes are free what? ifnyou are not thinking of signing but just taking advantage of the ambassadors, then i'm sad for you.
Dear ex yz ppl,
wah! so free ah? "no system, no same, no pro"? apa you mean? so complicated, that's why you are living in history,"ex-yz" like "ex-girl friend" of people loh...why yz ruined? because of all your "ex-yz ppl" loh... i am not part of yogaloft as after left yz, i decided to change my job, but you ex-yz ppl surely very free, cause still got time to attack others. let go lah, resi in peace lah ( own opinion )
the now urban yoga so-called club manager Jia Yee last time gave me 3 months free some more, who can compare with this offer? some more she asked me to bluff the management also, yogaloft should never get back this kind of people when you open in cheras, they are opportunists, Jia Yee, Angie all below par consultant, I even saw Angie slapped Angel ( my favorite consultant ) because of sales... mind for them? money comes first...
ninie ahmad opened own studio at damansara perdana with azmi right? both malays also? sure die liao...sigh... ppity them...
a very personal opinion,
serena is to good in doing business, she knows how to ruined others and take others as step stone to achieve what she wants, as a woman at 40-something with husband having affairs outsid, it's not surprise that she needs to do something in life to prove her existence. I was one of the victims in TA securities to be used by her, she snatched my clients in stock market and blamed me in front of Datin Alicia.
Well, Serena, I'm still joining your class till now simply the class is cheap compare with others. I'm sorry that I have to tell all these to the yoga students to portray a beautiful image of yourself, simply if your heart is ugly, good things will not come to you, look at your love life and your mom, then you know what i mean, no offend.
add on:
she loves to give nickname to others, e.g. called TJ as "bao lou", sophina( now one yoga boss ) as "half plate", gilbert as "black face god", and used all the "mahjong's characters to describe her fellow members that do class with her, and she's the type of the person she will make sure another person die if that person is blocking her way to achieve what she wants ( i swear to god she said it out in front of all of us during one dinner time after the class ), so now, how good is good ?
good morning, everyone! I'm getting ready for "hello" yogaloft class later! what a wonderful sunday, feel like last time joining 7am class at taman desa!
to everyone,
let bygone be bygone, if we have a chance to try out the place and the classes, why not taking it and judge by yourself? after all, it's the experience that count, wa ha ha!
i just signed up this morning, i'm a fitness freak and first time joining a yoga centre, yogaloft will be "the place"! trust me!
See you tomorrow morning, Felix! cheers! wonderful class!
Hi- we would like to request for more pilates,yoga-dance etc classes ASAP in view of the recent ban of yoga for non-muslims - so Yogaloft wont loose that loyal target market! Thanks!:)
sorry -i meant ban of yoga for muslims.. too sad and blur after knowing the news!
or try to create a flow of yoga that can be completely non-chanting,non-woshipping.
actually as a democratic country, i believe government should set the rules to govern the yoga studios than banning Muslims to practice yoga, i have been practicing yoga for 5 years and it made me more faithful to my religion and more loving to my family.
I believe yoga is a teaching, just like "pendidikan moral" in school, nothing more than that.
hello yogaloft 24-30 nov 08
930am, 1230pm, 600pm, 730pm
800am, 930am, 1200pm, 230pm, 400pm
just signed up yogaloft early bird package,and get their limited edition mat with only RM1, really worth it,cos the actual price is RM199! heard the ambassador said there are not left more...
like penny's class, she is so approchable ;)
been to yogaloft at Plaza Kelana Jaya, the view and surrounding of the center is stunning. signed up with yogaloft after seeing so many centers. That's is so far the best one after comparison (for my opinion). :)
i dint sign, there are still renovation,still so empty,wait until there are done,only will visit again.
dear worried,
i signed, becasue an organization like this can give me sufficient confidence to forget about my bad experience. you better check out everyday, as of the status of the renovation, certain packages are strictly limited to the early birds, if you are expecting the "forver promotional" package like last time yz, you can forget about that.
however, hope to see you at yogaloft!
i went there also and not sign up yet,will come back again by Dec since the place still empty..but can say the view and the air there is very good ;)
can i know what is the early bird offer? other than the RM1 yoga mat
hi anonymous,
besides the RM1 for the limited edition luxx mat worth (RM199), you also tend to enjoy the unlimited classes for the month of december, besides, yogaloft also give out RM 100 credit to spend in their fnb or classes. plus etsu limited edition cavier luxe mask worth (RM 68).
actually the package is good, but is far for me, nicole had call me to pay a visit there, but is really far. im staying at sri petaling ;(
please open in kepong/ sri damansara, i will support you!
I went there just yesterday, the total you will need to pay would be RM478 + RM1 for the yoga mat.
RM 128 for 1 month
RM 50 for i-card
RM 200 for deposit
RM 100 for admin fee (once a year)
You also get free RM 100 credited to your i-card which you can use for other things if you are the first 100 sign up
You get free classes for this month and unlimited classes for the month of December.
Its got to be one of the best set up for a yoga class ... got to love the breeze and view from the lake.
I know some instructors there whom are really good too.
But I'm also very happy to be with my current instructors at where I'm learning.
So, you guys should really consider it!
From what I hear from a reliable source, TJ is also behind the set-up of Yogaloft- whether he's a consultant or a shareholder, he still smells of shit.Whether it is post-paid or whatever they market it as- it's just a sales gimmick.
how are you going track the no. of hours you actually were there? Before you know it, it could be 20 hrs for that month, you end up paying RM228!!!!RM128 1st 10 hrs + RM100 for next 10 hrs!!!
Better to go to Urban Yoga - RM88 unlimited classes!! or any other studios with good teachers.
i went there, they are kinda using touch and go system. load credit and store in i-card, i guess this is easier to track rather than other method.
wa ha ha!if Tj is a consultant or a shareholder of yogaloft,i will fully support him!dont you think this is a good news meh?if Tj smell of shit,then Lay Gaik smell of what arr?bull shit arr?hehe...
let go lah Lay Gaik...why you want to push ppl to date end leh?you want to live,ppl dont want to live meh?stole Tj's baby still not enuf meh?sigh!
Tj is a shareholder of yogaloft?this is a great great new loh!
hello kitty,thank you so much to inform us!
btw,are you sure or not?
if this is true,i will bring all my friends,sister,aunties,ah gu,ah po,ah sam,ah yi to join yogaloft loh...
yeah!Tj is back!yeah!
Yeah, even better if TJ is back to teach wor!Will sure attend all of TJ's class!
dear hello kitty,
hello kitty doesn't attack people like what you do as she's simply adorable.
there's something in this world called "system software", you may not understand what that mean because your urban yoga focus too much investing on the "plants", not the upgrade, investment for the convenience of the members. for RM 40 difference to buy a whole new experience, it's more than worthy.
yogaloft is going to open in hartamas also, you shold consider joining yogaloft, like what digi 016 said, "it's time to change".
byebye kitty/hella kitkat/tj fans,
tj is shareholder of yogaloft? How bout d Yogazone? just closed case without any follow up?
yogazone not announce "bankcrupt" so he still have d responsibility on it la wei!!!!
he got money to invest then pay us back first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello, let dumb head be dumb head, I'm a company secreatary, let me give you a piece of advice, got o SSM to pay RM 10 to do a company search, then you will know who are the directors or people behind. I'm not standing on behalf of anyone, but my search is TJ is not in the board, so what says you?
anyway, another piece of advice to all,
etsu wellness sdn bhd is a professional wellness company, they can at all times reserve the right to take any legal actions against slandering/ defamatory actions, be careful. Sincere advice is always not good enough for you to listen, but just be careful. there's still cyber law in malaysia that govern the internet and blog's updates and info.
just signed up this morning, thank you, yogaloft! I love you!
after thinking of a week, i am going this evening class and sign up, don't ask me why, go and try out, that's all.
I called this morning and offer is valid till month end, i want the limited edition mat!!!
Sharon, Juinn, my yoga buddies, see you all later lah!
Dear yogalover,
i have had enough of the past,we always say let bygone be bygone, and this posting supposed to be for the experience and discussion about yogaloft, why on earth these people still want to mention others? one thing only, don't mislead others if you don't know the fact, i believe in seeing it myself than listening to rumours. I'm new to yoga and first time joining yoga centre, i don't know who ius TJ, but i love my loft, my yogaloft.
dear yogalover,
I'm new to yoga too!
yes! like what cutie said, you have a happy blog, please kick all these negative vibes out! yoga is a happy practice ( though my first class is tomorrow evening, I signed up last sunday ) you don't need those gossip to make your blog interesting, i believe you think alike, right? ;-)
if you are going to yogaloft this weekend, inform me ya, i wanna meet the diva of yoga blog in Malaysia. By the way, I had plan tomorrow and this weekend my yoga commitment days, can't wait!
Hmmmmm, I guess those that is still giving their undying loyalty to TJ must be TJ himself or his cronies- like he always says, bring his sister, brothers, uncles, aunties, bla bla bla, muaha ha ha ha ha, meow!
yeah, then yogajess, yogaman, uglykid are all lay gaik, now the ghosts in urban yoga...Kesian... die or not die also the same, because sure die eventually...
aiyo...hello kitty don't even have mouth, can't even talk, how to 'ohm' leh? hands also so short, how to 'namaste' leh?
Hi everyone,
I'm just back! how are you all?
Sorry for being late reply as extremely tired after the 3 days boot camp and just have time to read all the comments here.
Hi Anonymous (22 Nov @ 7:33pm),
Many thanks for your kind information. I will check it out when available.
You too, enjoy and happy practising. CHEERS ^_^
Dear Hello Kitty,
I believe every practitioner has different need and expectation. Some may enjoy all this luxury facilities beside yoga, so they won't mind to pay the premium for the services; Some may only concern about yoga teaching and may not have time to enjoy the services provided; Some may like all these services and convenience but couldn't afford as still need to service the YogaZone's outstanding payments; Some could have same opinion like you that this is only sales gimmick and better join Urban Yoga as it is still the most reasonable price in the market now while we are still at the loss or burden of YogaZone packages...
As for me, I'm very impressed by a lot of comments here about yogaloft and wish could visit there soon (hope upon completion of renovation, so can have full view and idea). But, doubt I could join them due to location matter, too far for me.
Last but not least, I believe the practitioners are wise enough to choose the most appropriate yoga center for themelves. So, no need to have any hard feeling here.
Please don't feel be offended by my comment as I know you are with good intention being concerned and care about the benefit of every reader here (I think this is good yoga mind with kind hearted and intention)...
p/s: Frankly speaking, I never bias on TJ. At the initial stage of YZ's crisis, I did suport TJ with the hope YZ can be continued. Later, after so many empty promises from him in the Yogajess' blog till the wind up of YZ. I did personal blame him not manage his company well and cause so many victims like us suffer in both financially and mentally.
But, all this is the past and we should look forward and I have been putting in so much efforts in my blog here to help every YZ's victim to recover mentally (can't help financially) and continue the confidence in yoga. So, please stop looking backward as this won't help but would just make your wound never recovered...
sorry for being "long winded" here...
Dear ByeBye Kitty, TJ's Fans, Anonymous (25 Nov @ 9:39am) and Yogamom,
Please be reminded the rule of my blog, that is no attacking, no harsh words and don't insult anyone here... Please respect all the readers... THANK YOU!
Hi Cutie and FernFun,
Thanks for the support and I hope here continue being the happy yoga blog for you.
I will watch up closely and definitely will ban those culprits who tryig to attack, insult or bad mouting here as their fun... Sorry to tell that here is not the stage for them to start any war...
Enjoy your practice at yogaloft and please do share your experience and joy with us here. Thanks and happy practising!
Hi YogaBaby,
Just read about the "Fatwa on Yoga" as out of every news for the past 3 days. Anyway, will post this topic for discussion shortly.
Musih bergaduh sini ke? tak boring?
Ku nak main yoga pun tak kasih la,
You guys should appreciate things u have now.
I nak pergi singapore main yoga baru selamat.
dear muslim yogi,
dengar kata,kat Singapore dan Indonesia main yoga pun tak selamat la...kesian betul...
welcome back Yogalover!
This may be a little late but hey, thanks for the info on the hello sessions.
RM128 is for 10 hours or 10 classes?so if classes are more than an hour then the rm128 is for less than 10 classes per month rite?wd be better if they make it rm128 for 10 classes rather than calculate by hours, isnt it so?
Dear Yogalover,
I've been following your blogs closely, I suspect there are a lot of identical person with different names writing all sort of things.
1) some supporting Yogaloft 100%
2) some doesn't seem to stop backstabbing others like lay gaik, serena & nicole.
3) some still supporting TJ with all their heart.
Don't you ever suspect it's a work of the same person?????
I respect Lay Gaik for not having to clear her name in the blog, & also Serena (after all those that has been said about her). Why? if you are innocent-there's nothing to clear. BUT, if you are NOT INNOCENT-then certainly there's a lot of trying to convince others (as I remember so many of TJ's stories in Yogajess's blog!). And shame on you TA Senior for bad-mouthing about people's personal life!!!! You are not better than her, but talking bad about others!!!!
As much as everyone should move on... I think it is just good that we should always remember the culprit that cheated our $$$$$$$
Dear Hello Kitty,
I am not sided anyone, but i did see some also backstabbing TJ and yogaloft. Well, you are one of them already ^_^ (or the only one backstabbing yogaloft??) So? I mean what are you trying to prove or say here? Do you feel threaten if ppl supporting yogaloft?
Dear hellp kitty,you Ok mou? why you still get mad?let go lah...
emm...i think from your comment, all the blog readers should know who you also 1 of a identical person with different nicknames.
btw,'hello kitty' is better than the previous nickname you used(everybody knows,not to mention here).
1 more thing,pls respect Yogalover.i really beh tahan the way you leave your comment.ppl are not blind,we can see the punctuation mark even you use 1 only in your sentence.why you want to put so many this ?????? and !!!!!! le?seems like you are scolding ppl here.
hey,pls,this is not the stage for war.Do respect to yogalover,ok?
hi everyone,
after i read hello kitty comments, im so... ermm,, dunno how to describe la, maybe i can say like this:
hi hello kitty,i also suspect there are a lot of identical person with different names writing all sort of things.
1) some people "langsung" didnt supporting yogaloft at all
2) some doesn't seem to stop backstabbing others like TJ, zen...
3) some still supporting serena, lay gaik with all their heart.
Don't you ever suspect it's a work of the same person?????
hi everyone again, do u all know what i mean now? hope u all will get what i meant ;)
hello kitty, everything is come from 2 ways.
i dont mind paying RM128 as long as the fatwa allow yoga for muslim. some of the very best teachers are in yogaloft.
in fact, having an hour class for just RM10 is real cheap already. Nowadays, my kid's tuition for an hour is much more than that. further more there is facilities given to customer.
Hi yogalover,
This is my first time joining your blog and thanks for updating all the useful info to us.
I'm neither tj or laygaik supporter. I will only join the yoga centre that is convenience to me. even though I am one of the victim of the GC package from yogazone but i still plan to join urbanyoga at Dec simply becos this is the nearest yoga centre
from my house. yogaloft is too far for me. may be next time when yogaloft open at Cheras i can switch to it coz now the fee for urbanyoga is collected on monthly basis, so i can stop whenever i want.
I actually quite like the new look of urbanyoga especially the plants!
It make the surrounding look more nature and alive. No offend to other persons that don't like it coz I am the person that like plants no matter cheap or expensive plants.
And Hello Kitty,
i don't think those support tj is tj himself and i also don't think you are laygaik. In my opinion, tj is definitely the one that conned our money and laygaik is the opportunist that look for this right opportunity to kick tj out.
For a 90% shareholder and the most powerful man in former yogazone, i think tj you are the only one that know where was all the money gone.
I started from very angry from the close down of yogazone until now i already accept the reality that life need to go on and i shall treat this as an experience to me although is bad and expensive one!
Hi Hello Meow Meow,
If not mistaken, RM128 is the minimum charge per month for a maximum of 10 classes.
Hope anyone from yogaloft or the members there can help to clarify to Hello Meow Meow. Thanks.
Dear Hello Kitty,
Thanks for following my blog closely. I just hope this blog brings the joys, hopes and cheers to all the readers.
I have been trying very hard to spring clean it while busy updating information. However, I couldn't stop people to share their personal opinion as all human is very unique with different mind. As long they follow the rule of my blog, i.e. "NO ATTACKING, NO HARSH WORDS, DON'T INSULT ANYONE HERE" as here is not the stage of war for them.
Due to my limited knowledge of IT, I really don't know how to trace the identity. Anyway, please do bear with me and allow me to have some time to brush up my skill and knowledge to upgrade the blog as I'm busy now. Seems have to set it as my another mission for year 2009, haha...
Please don't get upset with some opinions that not in your way. Just read it as another comment. Please be happy and cheer all the time. Yogis look for healthy body and spirit as well, right?
CHEERS ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
Hi Mamamia,
Thanks for spedeaking for me. I feel being proctected and cared by my readers. You make me feel great with the comment "pls,this is not the stage for war.Do respect to yogalover,ok?"
I believe Hello Kitty is not trying to create any war here and the repeated signs would not mean scolding but I would take it that she just can't control her emotional.
Let everyone be a cheerful reader here and hope more joy with a healthy yoga practice. CHEERS ^_^
Dear Natasha,
I'm glad to know that my blog have Muslim visitors as well.
I do really wish yoga is for everyone. The comment from ramuna bt arun really impressed me. She said "i have been practicing yoga for 5 years and it made me more faithful to my religion and more loving to my family. I believe yoga is a teaching, just like "pendidikan moral" in school."
Hi Yoga Practitioner,
Welcome to Yoga Lover and thanks for visiting here. Btw, how do you come across to this blog?
I love your comment and you really speak out my mind.
As I always say that human is very unique and with different mindset. I'm glad to have someone that having the same thought as me and speak it out here. Please do drop me an email any time if you are free. My email address is
Thank you yogalover for having a clear mind to read what I really really mean & not jump to any other conclusion than what I really said. I was just stressing the facts of things that is really happening & not swaying away from facts. Every single point is the facts.... My exclamation marks is simply to strongly make my point. People need to wake up & realize.
I think Yogaloft is a beautiful place, I didn't not support it - but just wanted to remind ppl that the fees may add up a lot if don't keep track of practise. I used to practise 6x a wk? so how expensive leh (don't even dare to use ?)
What I said about TJ is also the truth-just want to again remind ppl not be fools again & beware that such a person exist & still very much alive & enjoying luxury lifestyle with all our $$$$$.
& I totally agree with what yoga practitioner says.
Don't mean to offend anyone-just speaking my mind to remind- or simply being a kap-poh-chi because beh-tahan!
i m not sure what people thinking about just to tell u all.if u open a shop for your own ,sure hope surronding person not bring the negative chi in the shop and hope that what u like just go what u don like just don go.please don talk bad to other i think if u are not open a shop and may be ur family also go 2 with business to make ur self living.So don talk bad to others..Karma will turn to u please think b4 u talk cos all of us here is use brain to think and talk..think b4 u hurt others....thanks...
yogaloft RM128- 10 hours classes a month, calculate by hour not classes. i have signed up at yogaloft already, the ambassador told me etsu boss is their boss, mr.jason bak...not tj.
please la to all those talk bad to yogaloft,is really a nice place for us to practice yoga,the staff there are all do their best to serve us... they are so nice and friendly to us.
Dear Hello Kitty,
You really do speak out my mind, same thinking, end up we have to pay Rm388 in a month.
I don't mind paying Rm200 a month for unlimited classes.
Dear yogaloft,
We all big kids(yoga practitioners) heard that you are going to sell 'D best ice cream(yoga) in town'
but how come you only sell 1 & the only 1 flavor(package) ? I hope you can come up with more attractive flavors to please as many big kids as possible.
haha,not just limited flavor but also limited scoops (charge by hour instead of class )too :)
i would rather yogaloft keep the standardize package instead of like last time yz's ever-changing package like seafood price, as you know:
1. if price drop later, this will pissed off those who signed earlier
2. if the price fluctuates like stock market, then all potential members will speculate with the 'wait-and-see-how' attitude
3. if goes unlimited, then will be my nightmare like last time, i can never win over a fight even i have my class pass caused some aunties at puchong are like gansters, snatched my space and just 'don't care'.
yogaloft, keep it this way,else, you will lose me as your loyal customer.
Hi there, see which answer are you?
If there is a product, price is cheap, but the process of making it has killed thousands of species, or the process of making it is kind of against our morality, would you still buy this product?
(A)Yes, as long as the product is cheap, would not care about the origin and history of the company or the process of making it.
(B)NO. Price is an important factor, but the origin and the history of the company, and the process of making it are also important, especially when it comes to something against our morality. I rather purchase other products.
You know why I post it here, don’t you? Well, my answer is B. Sometimes I wonder will I be categorized as "stupid", hey.. it is so cheap, what are you waiting for? But sorry, there is this "something" that pull me back.
So which answer are you?
simpler package is easier and fair, just like digi. i wouldn't want to eat roasted chicken introduced by KFC. No matter what kind of cooking style, still, the original recipe the best, whatever flavor also dun feel right.
most of the yoga studio in States and Canada are limiting their yoga teachers from "over" teaching. The studio in States stresses more on the quality of the class instead of over stressing the yoga teachers themselves. More is not always good.
some of the studio uses many under qualified teachers either export from india or locally trained. furthermore many of them are actually not well trained. hence why, they could afford the unlimited offer.
Agree with lan shiang,
yogaloft,please do not drop ur price or come up with cheaper promotion packages in future if u find that your 'sales' are not that good, if u do drop ur price or come up with cheaper packages, make sure u compensate those who have signed up earlier.
Or come up with a unlimited package which only allows member to attend one class per day.
anonymous 10.53pm,
you know the definition of "unlimited"? which means you can join as you like, how many times you want also can, if "unlimited" limiting to 30 classes a month, then it's not unlimited liao lah!
dear hello yogaloft, oh...sorry, hello kitty,
shame on me?i believe there's nothing to be shameful about when you speak nothing but the truth about the truth. As for my age, I believe I can be your mom, there's no reason for me to 'badmouth' Serena, she knows better than anyone else that what she had done before. yoga is a happy practice like what Fernfun and others said, there's nothing to shy about. i just couldn't take it that actually TJ did ask for Serena to look for investors long time ago to revive yoga zone but she was trying to take the opportunity to drag till very last minute and force TJ to sell off the cheras yoga zone to her at 100k,what a joke! when she failed to do so, she started to call all the teachers one by one and asked them not to support TJ. Whatever I said is truth and nothing more than that, because she was still happily thinking that she could make it through.
Serena, it sounds familiar, right? I'm at one floor below you in Menara TA, you should know who I am by now. I reveal myself now cause I'm really tired to be pretentious in frot of you, when I read more about yoga, I just feel I couldn't betray myself.
to yogalover88,
I hope that you have the wise eyes to read through all these, I'm a 50-something middle-age woman, no point to involved in this yoga 'war'.
Good morning, meowwwww...
mdm Ta Senior-no offense-lah, but I think other people's dirty laundry should be left at home mah.U said until her husband kau-loi outside, not nice mah-don't get personal. But... when you talk about her cunning plan or ambitious plan, then that's is interesting to know. Well, she's just another opportunist! I've say just that her political approach didn't get everyone's approval-anyway that's history already.
anyway, i am glad that some ppl are wise enough to read thru the lines of my messages.- kp yoga & lan shiang.
I really think that Yogaloft is a beautiful place to practise with great teachers. My first yoga lesson was with Jennifer & she's great & of course, Felix, new but awesome teacher also. Don't know the rest except Zen as a consultant at that time.
Dear Hello Kitty,
Bravo on a job well done to bring awareness to yoga club's fees. Since so much publicity of Yogaloft (which they themselves saved so much with Yogalover's web portal), it was very timely for Hello Kitty to remind everyone that wth the bad economic situation, it's good to be cost conscious. Well, everyone here loves yoga, but need to be smart with choices available.
But then again...I say this only because no one was "discussing" about the fees imposed until Hello Kitty bring this up. Poor kitty, got shot in the a@@ while trying to do a good thing, LOL.
dear lan hwa,
since u r a walking dictionary :) can u please define the words RUDE and MANNERS?
dear anonymous 1.01pm,
Hi, my sister is not free and I am helping her to reply to your questions because yoga teach us to be generous, helpful and balance.
RUDE is defined "impolite, discouteous, bad-mannered, offensive" amd MANNERS is defined as "behavious, conduct, comportment", you can check it with the physical dictionary or
FYI, I'm not a walking dictionary, but I know 'anonymous' is defined as "nameles".
I have only good intention to raise the issue of "unlimited" to anonymous 10.53pm and I truly believe this is irrelevant to 'RUDE MANNERS', and I believe yogalover can see it quire clearly, is there anymore other words that I can help you to check out from dictionary ( if and only you don't have one, you can get it from all the leading bookstores in town ).
sorry, typo error, amd -> and, behavious -> behaviour. my apology.
Thanks you for the word meaning and your apology accepted.
Please check one more word 'superficial'.
Hi Lan Hwa, Lan Shiang and Anonymous (27 Nov @ 1:01pm),
Please do allow me to give in my opinion here.
I believe Lan Hwa with no intention to be rude on her comment on 27 Nov @ 12:19am but just a bit aggressive to react in replying.
I think the misunderstanding always caused by the "expression signs" such as question mark (?) and exclamation mark (!) and repeated signs of both (??? or !!!). (Ops... I so used to it the repeated sign of dots... It is no other meaning, just fun...)
Hope Anonymous (27 Nov 1:01pm) don't feel offended as Lan Shiang has quickly responded on behalf of her sister Lan Hwa. It shows Lan Hwa's sincerity here although she is busy but still concern to clarify in a polite manner.
It is good that everyone let talk and clarify to avoid any further misunderstanding. Let be a happy yoga family here. CHEERS ^_^
anonymous 2.51pm,
"superficial" is defined as "not through, deep, cursory", anything else I can help? Wow! Great! yogalover, we can improve English while learning yoga, if without anonymous 2.51pm, i also don't know what's 'superficial', thank you ya, anonymous 2.51pm.
My pleasure
if checking few words for your can have your 'pleasure' it's definitely also my pleasure, pleased to see you happy. hmmm...can you have a name?
lan lan here
hi, thanks lan lan. why you use anonymous like other anonymous leh? tell me you are lan lan mah...lan lan sounds much better, our parents give us a name, must use the name loh...
hi, everyone, i was hold my boss for meeting till now, cannot go yogaloft today already, sigh...missed today 7.30pm class, still at office now, envy my sis lan shiang sure in the class now.
aiksss...what happened here, yogalover? i just want to clarify to anonymous ( lan lan, right? ) that when i said out about definition of "unlimited" is like what my sister said, no bad intention, i just don't understand why anonymour@lan lan want to ask my sis to check RUDE, MANNERS and SUPERFICIAL? sorry, yogalover, it's a bit provocative, seems like people are trying to mean that we are not sisters, or lan shiang and lan hwa are not our real name. very funny.
irizeddear lan hwa,
take it easy la, at least you used real name, if not you will just put as anonymous, just let those 'anonymous's remain nameless, not giving name cannot, giving name also cannot, really hard time. I pity yogalover, she tried her best to maintain a clean, decent, neutral yoga blog, why others just thinking of finding a way to start war? anger kills your cells and grow old faster, take it easy, everyone.
poor lan hwa, forive lan lan, you have my support.
i like lan shiang, she is so nice and helpful.
but why lan hwa is so aggressive.
Start to think that you are not the sisters.
lan shiang and lan lan are friends.
we are sisters, this is fact and no one can change this fact. lan shiang and lan hwa are yogaloft's members now. we enjoy yoga, so hard to find one good one after yoga zone puchong. anyway, Lia, thanks for liking me and my sis doesn't need you to like her. you better like lan lan la. as long as you don't spoil yogalover's website, then everything is alright.
i like lan shiang also, but i don't like lan shiang boss last time, she's so ugly and she always behave like a kid even though she's a mid-thirty woman, her island-syndrome always make me beh tahan. luckily now lan shiang no more with her. congratulations lan shiang!
Dear lan lan/anonymous 2:51pm 27th nov,
haha I cdnt agree more with the owrd "superficial".
oops!!i meant word, luckily the walking dic is here to correct any spelling errors:)
why so many lan's in yogalover's blog...
lan shiang and lan hwa,
i believe both of you are good sisters, no need to care about what people said.
lan lan,
don't use anonymous to avoid misunderstanding lah.
lan tian,
are you "blue sky" ah?
lan mei,
yes, the definition by lan lan about 'superficial' is great!
i support your way of doing things, you are a great blogger.
morning everyone,
overlsept and missed today morning class, aiiii....
thank you, lance, for your believe in us. We are Chia's family staying in puchong, i'm chia lan hwa and my sister is chia lan shiang. I just don't understand that why some people like to attack us.
We are here to delcare one more time, we have nothing to do with the yoga teacher, Lan Shiang, and we don't even know who she's and how does she looked like. Please give us a break. Thanks.
i'm providing my email to yogalover, hope you can see my sincerity.
aikkssss.... it appears as our family name, however, yogalover will have my full email address.
yogalover, let's be friends la!
another declaration,
lan lan, lan tian, lan mei, and who so ever using the 'lan' words, if it's your real name, welcome to the yogalover family; if it's not your real name, i hope that you can respect me and my sis by not taking part of our names as a joke.
yogaloft looks great and the teachers are great as well.however i find their studio a bit bright coz everything is painted white(yes i know their theme is white).tis is just my opinion :) so i hope no one takes offence (as i notice there are some who takes it personally here and hence start to attack othrs comments and also some who picks on others vocabulary orincorrect use of words ( so pardon me if my english is not perfect :) )
anyone have the next week schedule of yogaloft? log on to the web just now but timetable only show till today.
Yaloh, I also just check the timetable, still not updated yet, only till 30/11. I tot Japanese are company very efficient one? Or maybe becoz the advisor is TJ, so work slow & easy.
& why ah yogaloft schedule doesn't list out which teacher is teaching for that particular time & why ah so few classes only ah?
Hi Lan Shiang and Lan Hwa,
Glad to have you both sisters in this so called "yogalover family". I like this name, haha...
Sorry that I don't have your contact as the registration is only to Google (I think so as I'm not an IT expert, just good enough to manage this blog). If you won't mind, you can drop me email @ any time.
Hi Anonymous (30 Nov @ 6:56pm) and Hello Kitty,
I have visited yogaloft this morning and just posted some information. However, they refused to give me any written brief. May be they worried I'm a spy from their competitors... (In fact I did this before when I was in Property line where I need to survey other competitors' properties. But this was history already). So, no schedule is available.
I think it could be due to they are not yet officially launched and these are free classes now. I'm so sorry that can't help in providing any schedule.
Ojas Yoga is much more generous and helpful in providing information during their setup stage. May be large organization like etsu wellness has a lot of procedures... So, just be patient.
Urban Yoga Kepong is reducing their classes.. last time afternoon used to have 2 classes, but now reduced to 1 only..>< getting lesser...
i think hello kitty know the best, as she's the advisor for urban yoga.
i never like kitty, because she has no-mouth, never speak-out, just like lay gaik.
Nevermind la Felix the meow, i'm also not interested to know, never join UY ever since the closure of YZ.
hello, hello kitty,
i think you must be very close to tj/ yogaloft, seems like you know everything about them, or you are over-concern after yz closure.
I was trying hard to believe that your previous comments was based on cases and nothing get personal, but your latest one vividly showed that you are getting personal with tj, if tj is slow, lay gaik/ advisor of urban yoga must be syndrome down, till now website have nothing, coming soon, coming soon, like tomorrow never comes.
I can tell you one thing only, i believe there are at the 50:50 ratio for those who against tj and support tj, those who against tj have to make up story by blogging a lot, just like the very "unethical" 906 comments at yogajess; those who are supporting tj are only quietly supporting tj and reading the blog.
the case is over and your master lay gaik already got what she wants, i will advise you to stop to attack others and 'ohm' more,else, the more you attack tj, the more negative comment you will get.
dear yogababy,
i can see your perception on tj, like what ramuna bt arun said, if you know him, you may have a different point of you. so do you really no tj? of course you may just say that you are not interested to know tj. study more about yama and niyama in yoga, we shall learn to truthfully forgive and forget.
Without Prejdice
What happened over the weekend, I can smell fire start burning somewhere here again...
Hi Hello Kitty,
Are you really the advisor for Urban Yoga as mentioned by Felix the Meow?
If yes, I personally think you might not be in a good position to comment other competitors as people might feel offensive although you could just give in your personal view without bias. (No Offence)
Hi Grafield,
Please don't hurt someone no matter how you dislike him or her. Can please just do me a favour either choose to ignore it or reply without insulting other feelings.
Thank you.
Hi Chia (Lan Hwa),
In fact, I don't really wish to see these 2 names (TJ and Lay Gaik)to be appeared in my blog anymore as I found everytime either one of these names appear, the war going to start and I have to crack my head to cool everyone down.
Lately, I'm quite busy so would rather to focus more on positive works.
Be frank, I'm also one of the YZ's victims but not involved in any yoga business. So, I'm not here to side anybody, neither TJ nor Lay Gaik or neither yogaloft nor Urban Yoga. I do really agree to the comments from Yoga Practitioner (26 Nov @ 2:25am). You may say that I don't know TJ or Lay Gaik well, may be, as I never seen both of them before except the pictures posted in the blogs and papers.
At the initial stage of YZ's crisis, I really supported TJ with the hope YZ could be continued (you can check on my courage comments to TJ in Yogajess' blog). But at later stage, I did hope Lay Gaik could get the receivers to help. No matter what it was, all were beyond my control and it was already the fact. No point keeps on blaming anybody. (I will only keep on to blame if you guarantee me that by doing this I can get back my money. It won't, right?)
I'm not blaming either TJ or Lay Gaik here as I know it won't benefit me. By blaming someone and get yourself angry will cause more of the cell died, no worth it! Don't keep on stay at the past, LOOK FORWARD...
I still continue my offorts to search around more information to share with everyone here as I like your word "Yogalover Family" but this must be a Happy Family oh!
Dear all,
Everyone has different need and each of the yoga center might have someting can fit to individual need. So, no matter which yoga center you prefer and support, please don't attack the other. We are just a yoga practitioner and not involved in yoga business, so they are not our competitors.
It would be good in sharing with each other on different experience at different yoga center as this might help other practitioners to find somewhere can fit their needs. This may also help that all yoga center be alert and to keep on improve their service to us. Then everyone benefited in a Win/Win game.
Sorry for being so long winded as to tired to keep on reminding, especially I'm facing problems and difficulties in my working company (unable to plan ahead as no direction from the top management, really frustrated).
So, could you please just do me a favour, i.e. "No Attack, No Harsh Words and Don't Insult Anyone Here".
Your kind cooperation and positive efforts are highly appreciated.
Excuse me Chia,
Why did you bring me into your argument/discontent with Hello Kitty?
Anyway, you shouldn't be so bothered about what other's people opinion is of something or someone. It's a liberal world, it's free speech + none of us can do anything about it. Do you think U r simply making use of Yogalover's blog to air your dis-satisfaction? Ask yourself if you are respecting Yogalover before you attack others. The blog has no control, so you shouldn't add to the negative comments. You should listen to your own advise and yama or nimaya as I see your name appearing too frequently. I suggest you start your own blog.
Yogalover, perhaps you should re-set your blog so that you approve all comments before being published-that way you can decide to censor all comments which you think is not suitable.
stay clam, as and if you are a yoga teacher, you should know better about yama and niyama than a 1-year-experience student like me.
You are completely right when talking about "freedom to voice out"! Yes, then i believe that i should be granted the freedom too. When you are touching on the issue of hello kitty, yes, i'm definitely not over-concerned, it's just my point of view which i don't need any acknowledgement from anyone.
When i was with good intention to fine-tune the definition of "unlimited" days ago, others also started to attack me, so what's wrong with me responding to certain comments?
My name appearing too frequent and you are thinking of taking me out? It's truly god blessed that you are not 'yogalover', i believe my comment here is always reasonable and with due respect to our yogalover.
we already have yogalover's blog which i can consider as one of the most informative and reputable yoga blog in malaysia, and i don't need to create competition. sorry to make suggestion obsolete.
sometimes, i just wonder, does all the prayers in the church possess the purest soul in the world? yama and niyama are only few of the many words in the book, unless we practice them in life. I will make sure a buy the patanjali book to read through during lunch hour later. And i can assure you that i will practice peaceful yoga mind from now on. However, just a friendly reminder, everything in this world comes with two sides. You just need to mirror my reply next time and you will know.
Take it easy as you have been arranging classes and promoting classes by using yogalover's blog too, so shall you be paying certain fees to yogalover?
I completely agree with the censorship, yes, dear yogalover,censor those annoying and irritating comments and the world will be more peaceful.
( again, i know with my shallow practice experience, i still cannot compare with those "teachers" yet, but i will make it up in the near future, stay tune! )
Dear Chia,
You need to get your facts right before you start slandering me personally!
Hi Chia and Yoga Baby,
Both of you are good blogger here to discuss and sharing, so please don't start any war here. Please read Yogalover's comment on 1st Dec 9:04AM.
Yogalover, please censor those annoying and irritating comments and the world will be more peaceful.
Dear Chia and YogaBaby,
Like what Jasmine said, both of you are good bloggers. So, please don't be pissed off just because of somebody...
Most of the time, the disputes started with just a small little misunderstanding. For a good example, the word "unlimited?" ended with a question mark quoted by Chia (Lan Hwa) earlier. I strongly believed she didn't have any hard intention but her aggressive expression caused someone offended. Luckily this misunderstanding been solved out very soon after Lan Shiang kind patience and clarification as the readers here are wise people as well.
As I know, YogaBaby has her own blog as well and she has been putting in a lot of efforts to get the yoga classes started successfuly and maintain well till now at Bukit Ceylon. It is not an easy job as it is a non-profitable yoga group (only collecting fees for the teachers) but because of "PASSION", she get it done. I really respect YogaBaby on her passion for yoga.
As for Lan Hwa, although I just know you lately as she just started being active here. Glad that you and your sister Lan Shiang being regular here and I like your description "Yogalover Family". It shows your sincerity in this big yoga group here.
Again, please be reminded as per what I have written in my earlier post this morning @ 9:04am, i.e.:
Everyone has different need and each of the yoga center might have someting can fit to individual need. So, no matter which yoga center you prefer and support, please don't attack the other. We are just a yoga practitioner and not involved in yoga business, so they are not our competitors.
It would be good in sharing with each other on different experience at different yoga center as this might help other practitioners to find somewhere can fit their needs. This may also help that all yoga centers be alert and to keep on improving their service to us. Then everyone (including the yoga centers) benefited in a Win/Win game.
THANK YOU & Have a nice day ahead!
message deviated :(
Hi SJTan,
I'm so SORRY that slightly moderated your comment as I don't wish anymore reader here being hurt. I published exactly your message except removing the name... so, not really deviated.
In fact, I have just censored few comments reluctantly as the part of the comment with some smell of fire and I don't wish to moderate the comment as this mean no freedom of speaking and trun the meaning upside down...
The comments are actually sounds good and nothing if we read itcalmly. But just worry that the little bit of fire smell which could cause bigger fire at this critical moment. Sorry to those comments just sent in and were not published here, let evryone do some pranayama and meditation to cool down first, okay!
You all are my beloved readers here and wish here is a happy yogalover family.
Will stop moderating the comments later when everyone has done a deep breath. I found it really help when I get emotional and this is only for that seconds and if you can overcome it for that seconds, everything comes back to peace again.
Need to spend some time to restructure my latest post of yogaloft (3) tonight as just received call from yogaloft with a courtesy request to remove the photos of those studios which are under renovation. Not good in IT, every time do the adjustment in my post, all the alignment gone. So, need to spend some time re-do it. In fact spent half a day to get yesterday post up, too bad for a non-IT expert like me....
dear yogababy,
I know u r a nice person and im sure im not the only one who thinks so ( fr all ur prev posts).hmm dont waste ur time nor energy on 'things'/ 'people' which/who are beyond ur control.( no offence just want to let u know my opinion :))
Yogababy, everyone knows you are nice girl. Just ignore chia.
closed in the whole month of december for renovation or wind-up? no classes/ rebate for those who has paid?
Hi Anonymous (3rd Dec @ 8:49pm),
As I know, yogaloft is kind to offer free classes in Dec for their members as a gesture of goodwill as their outlet will only be fully renovated by Jan 2009. Currently, there is one studio ready for classes and it looks nice and facing to the lake view.
However, don't have their timetable and couldn't locate the class schedule from their website.
Btw, the members should have the timetable, otherwise they can call yogaloft to check it out.
Thanks... ^_^
try calling yogaloft lah the last 2days- nobody picked up- the whole team of 5 dedicated staff was terminated within 1 day without notice or reason.
what a scam to dedicated members (who have paid) and staffs
so no yoga classes in Dec month!
If dont belief, try to call or visit the place.
Who are the 5 dedicated staff were terminated?
see Yogaloft (3), the staff were terminated today itself and they were told by a director that the company has wind up but if u call the HQ office, they will tell u that they have to close for full renovation in Dec and re-open in Jan- (which is true)
what is going to happen to the staffs/consultants who believed and worked so hard and dedicated members (who have paid RM 607) and teachers who just want to have a good yoga session
Nobody has been answering Yogaloft phone the last 2 days 03 7875 5848
Huh? If the company has wind up why r they opening again in jan?
They need time to lari mar.
dont know what is the real story-
1. consultants got fired and was told that company wind up.
2. members who called up were told that they have to close in december for renovation
3. not enough money to pay up for renovation, staff and teachers salary?
4. how many members have signed up? how much $$ have they taken and invested from members who have paid deposit?
5. will they compensate members for "no classes in dec"
6. employ and train new staff/ consultants under new Management just like Urban Yoga
7. somebody pls visit their HQ at Taman Mayang and update us
Corporate Office:-
17, grd flr, Jaln ss 23/15
Taman Sea 47400 PJ
7880 2210
heard from all the ambassadors that their email accounts were deleted immediately and the etsu boss have taken all their precious contacts of members few days ago, and now they have no value anymore, hence, sacked suddenly so that they cannot touch anything or inform their customers.
yes- this is a con company- con the staffs of their Nov salary, all contractors terminated and no renovation going on at Yogaloft now
Members who have paid were called and given an option for a refund or hold their deposit until Jan - what a scam!
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