
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Urban Yoga - Cheras Plaza (3)

Urban Yoga Cheras Plaza is opened on 15 Oct 2008 (Wed) and giving free Trial Classes till end of Oct.

The ourlet looks like Yoga Zone previously but have touched up with new paints, new mats, all the places are cleaned and etc.
It remained the same with 5 studios. The reception, lounge, shower cabins, lockers and toilets are all the same structure. However the decorations are all removed and leave the reception looks vacant and empty as per the pictures below. Believe they will only decorate it with new design later as yesterday was the first day unofficially opening...

These are actually Studios 1 and 2 which the connecting doors are opened due to a number of students attended Serena's Urban Basic class @ 6:15pm yesterday.
Noticed that the mats at Studio 3, 4 and 5 are different but unable to snap any picture as the classes were going on.

The new hair dryers are fixed.

All the lockers are re-painted and all the broken locks are repaired. Now, all the lockers are usable.

The showers have been replaced with the new ones but the curtains are yet to put up. So, all the shower cabins are not usable at the moment.


Anonymous said...

wah.. yoga zone feel ..good! i miss yoga zone so much ! actually lay gaik is good , make the old yoga zone back .. anyway , just the owner changed .. nothing much .. maintain the old previous owner's designs and the features.. i think she is not as devil as many people said .. actually she just wants to do business.. normal only.. just that why she did not take all teachers back? i miss some teachers ..

Anonymous said...

yes yes yes! yoga zone is back! woo hoo!

Yoga Lover said...

Hi my dear yoga friends,

Not Yoga Zone lah, it is Urban Yoga, haha...

Believe you are the loyal members. Anyway, it is a new organization now named as "Urban Yoga" but the environment there is still the same as previous Yoga Zone. Hope the same or even better service level be given and wish you all enjoy your practice there.

Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

Even tho it may look like the old YZ,i cant help feeling that it has a different vibe( negative one) now after all that has happened,still feel that its better for me as a yoga practitioner to be joining other yoga centre.

Anonymous said...

come on... it just YZ, stil the same, nothing is different! Undeniable the name is different.
the environment is the same, the design is the same, the furniture stil the same, staff still the same, SOME customers stil the same, SOME teachers still the same, schedule still the same... ONLY the OWNER is different, LAY GAIK.

Why we need to pay TWICE for the same thing we have already paid before to the different PERSON??

so sien...i dont have the intention to pay twice for the same thing :(

Anonymous said...

sigh...everythings is same mean can 'save and safe' Lay Gaik's money mah...u dont know meh?come on...KL got so many yoga centre,better go the other lah...

Anonymous said...

definately i wont join back YZ (opps... sorry, is URBAN yoga now )
LG is a devil woman, rob YZ from the previous owner then do her own business- Urban Yoga... now wan to rob yz member's $$$! if she not a devil, she must let yz member continue to attend classes at YogaZone (opps opps, sorry again,is UY now) since all the member already paid for their membership !!
Devil woman, u thought u are SA YEE in the HK drama "KA HOU YUET YUN"! sorry, u are only a thick powder face elderly...

Anonymous said...

Yoga Zone is back! .. better than last time.. all the paint, the wall in the studio is in good conditions.. but the best teachers not here.. how ar?

Anonymous said...

yogalover.. can you contact some of the good teachers to go back yogazone? seems the good teachers not going back to teach in yogazone ? sad...

Anonymous said...

Urban YOGA ZONE .. haha nice name !

Anonymous said...

aiyo!is urban yoga la!not yoga zone, the name changed already!! but,cant deny that there everything is the same!sigh..

Anonymous said...

haha !!! funny !!! Urban YOGA ZONE.. hahahhahahaha

Anonymous said...

wa! yogalover site is so popular, so many comments! urban yoga is not bad, still can maintain yogazone's style, i like Ethan's class!

Anonymous said...

Ethan! anyone has Ethan's contact? If can, i want to ask him to teach somewhere else, as urban yoga is not yogazone anymore, don't think is so good to teach in this bad reputation centre.. i love ethan too

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hi yogalover, any quality yoga centre at cheras area? i dont plan to join urban yoga cheras, since everything is the same, who knows the centre will close down again or not? im not rich, im a general clerk, im still paying the GC RM3912 installment.

Anonymous said...

i feel not happy to pay extra rm88 per month, we kena conned n now still have to pay wat the hell!

Anonymous said...

Lay Gaik 是摞女(lo loi)!专摞人钱,摞人着数,摞人便宜!真是个死摞女!

Anonymous said...

urban yoga is it by urban yogurt? hahaha! the name so similiar....if by yogurt, i will join!

Anonymous said...

no lah! it's yoga zone! or you can call it urban yoga zone! so cool! i signed up because i have no choice only, urban yoga, don't be so happy. i start to miss yoga zone more and more...

Anonymous said...

Serena is here again! aiyoh! really Miss Yoga Everywhere!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

lo lui? no no no... LG is so old aunty, she is lo po po... hahahha...

Anonymous said...

hey! I don't mean to support TJ at all times till I see the new urban yoga this evening by my eyes! this is a conned business! kick out TJ and do their own! What's this??? I know you all in urban yoga surely think that time will wash off all the bad memory, but sorry, don't underestimate us at cheras, we are not as shallow as you think, I will join Ojas or One yoga, for sure. Urban yoga? You can wrap yourself up and put into the fridge.

Anonymous said...

i'm new to yoga, so, is urban yoga zone a new yogazone or a new yoga centre called urban yoga zone?

Yoga Lover said...

Too tired and slept early yesterday's night and got a shock this morning when I switched on my laptop and login to my blog. Seems like everyone so interested about Urban Yoga and gave so many comments.

Hi Anonymous (16 Oct @ 11:40pm),

I'm not part of Urban Yoga nor the member there yet. So, I have no right to contact any other teacher to teach there on behalf of Urban Yoga.

Sorry, can't help but you may track where are your favourite teachers and go to the studios they are teaching (Note: I will try my best to trace their whereabouts).

Hi Anonymous (16 Oct @ 11:57pm),

Sorry that deleted your comment here. You remind me the primary school time where the teachers like to ask the students do writing. So, no need to repeat writing the same thing or sentence for 8 times...

Hi Anonymous (17 Oct @ 12:00am),

Yes, you may refer to few of my findings by clicking the category "Yoga Center - Cheras" at the top left column of the mainpage. There are Life Yoga (Sharon), Light Yoga (Thomas), Jasmine Yoga etc. I'm currently practice at Life Yoga and I like there although the studio there is small.

Hi Anonymous (17 Oct @ 1:35am),

Sorry that deleted your comment. you might find that I'm conservative but I really don't like to see any "4-letter words" here although with signs or combination of words and signs.

Welcome you to re-post your comment by removing the last sentence of words with signs. Thanks for your kind cooperation.

Hi Anonymous (17 Oct @ 3:53am),

The yoga center's name is "Urban Yoga" but they took over the previous yoga center - "Yoga Zone" outlet at Cheras Plaza. The photos posted here were taken on Wed (15 Oct) from the newly opened Urban Yoga but those ex-Yoga Zone members can easily recognise that it almost the same as the ex-Yoga Zone's design and structure. As such, some of the humourous ex-Yoga Zone members named them as "Urban Yoga Zone".

Hope I answer your question and clear your doubt.

Hi all,

Thanks to those kind and warm hearted readers here by providing some useful information.

I have just received some information about Yogasana at Puchong and also the reply from Ajinkya about my query on the free yoga classes that published in Sin Chew Daily on Mon (13 Oct 2008).

I will try to compile and post all the information here over the weekend. Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

still does not make any difference to the weld weld is closed forever and all our money burnt. Who is going to pay compensation for this???there are so many silent members who have lost their money and outlet closed down forever!!! Morons!!!

Anonymous said...


i browsed through the website of yogaloft already and I'm extremely delighted, as I'm working in the media publishing company, the feeling of yogaloft is so "VOGUE", fashinable and cool, i love it! do you have more info?

Anonymous said...

Even most of ex YZ GC members are still paying installment to bank. We are the pitiest to pay them for new set up urban Yoga and Yogaloft. What can we do is only search for other centre's trial class and free class to attend or bargain for reasonable monthly fee.

Anonymous said...

Read today's Sin Chew, the yoga and fitness centre in Malaysia, must apply for legal procedure as trustee if collection of member fee for more than one year.

Anonymous said...

don join urban yoga , i understand la... cause scared will close down again and the owner is a con woman.
but y don join yoga loft? yoga loft owner is lay gaik also?
not under etsu international?

Unknown said...

Free yoga class organized by India embassy (from Sin Chew paper)

Anonymous said...

OMG, is it so easy to be a bad person and con people money?
Then create some stories, come back, re-open, say give special offer cause you're being victimized?

If like this, I also want to do la, u guys so good hearted, Yoga Mind, so forgiving, let me cheat your money too and then return and start afresh, charge you again but saying I'm giving compensation, can or not? Since you guys/girls are so good, not to mentioned you're currently helping a rich person.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know when is yogaloft launching?

What about Yogasana mentioned by yoga lover? Is it a new centre going to be open in puchong?

Anonymous said...

Found this news on NST today:

"KUALA LUMPUR: Fitness clubs which offer memberships lasting more than 12 months must obtain approval from the Companies Commission of Malaysia.

The commission said yesterday this type of membership was deemed to be an "interest" under Companies Act 1965.

The member had an interest in the form of an "investment contract" with the respective fitness club, by virtue of having made payments in exchange for the right to use club facilities for more than 12 months, it said. -- Bernama"

Maybe we can ask the CCM to take actions against ALL the directors of Yogazone and make them pay back the victims!

Meanwhile, Urban Yoga etc must also get approval from CCM before they can offer life membership.

Unknown said...

Anyone who wish to sign up 12-months membership with any yoga centres or fitness clubs, pls make sure it has obtained obtain prior approval from the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM).

The law ensures that members who have invested in the club memberships are provided with the full facilities which they had paid for and promised by the club operators.

For more detail pls read the NST news:

Anonymous said...

although i like the teachers in YZ v much, i won join urban yoga any more, no matter how cheap they offer.. i rather pay $180 for the (3+1 month) in ojas yoga

Anonymous said...

Yes! Director & management should have pay back the victims!!!!This is absolutely correct!

Anonymous said...

hi, yogalover do u have any news on lan shiang? i like her yin class v much. i wonder where is she teaching now?

Anonymous said...

Totally agreed with Dorina - October 17, 2008 3:22 AM. I used to practice at Kepong, am a ex GC member of YZ, but did not join Urban Yoga but rather practicing at home. As what Dorina said, it is like a conned business, kick out the owner and the operate by their own, and said giving special offer to ex YZ member. Don't think i would feel peace in mind if i join Urban Yoga.

Anonymous said...

All of you should remember, who was the master mind in bringing YZ down........ she now runs urban yoga, do u really think it won't happen again.

Anonymous said...

quite impressed with lay gaik's plan. she really pulled off dumb blonde well before, but now i know how cunning and a cheat she can be. All the best to you, can ex YZ gc members get a discount? yeah i though so

Anonymous said...

urban yoga zone rocks........... heard you guys are sponsoring a lesbian

Anonymous said...

alamak...!dulu orang kata Yoga Zone is Gay Zone,sekarang punya Urban Yoga Zone pula jadi Lesbian Zone?????
ehh...jangan takutkan i...apa ni yoga?kenapa semua guru yoga jadi macam tu?yoga akan tukar hormon eik?
sebenarnya i baru nak join Urban Yoga Zone.tapi pagi ini kawan suruh datang tengok-tengok blog ni...katanya ade banyak pilihan lagi,jangan tergesa-gesa nanti menyesal pula...
nasib baik i sempat datang tengok blog ni la...kalau tak de,tentu menyesal!he...he...he...
tadi i dah tengok semua maklumat yoga centre dalam blog ni...dalam hati i dah tukar pilihan.i akan pergi Yogaloft.sebab nampak macam selamat sikit...kalau join Urban Yoga Zone,rasa macam tak selamat, takut nanti perempuan boss tu tiba-tiba tutup pintu lagi.
lagipun,i rasa Urban Yoga Zone ni dah jadi tempat yang tak suci,walaupun tempat ni nampak bersih,tapi...ini macam tempat penjajahan lah...
bukan ke kita orang Malaysia paling benci penjajah merampas tanah air kita?sekarang pula nak sokong 'penjajah' lagi?sape yang sokong Urban Yoga Zone memang la pengkhianat!
kita ade agama masing-masing,marilah berdoa sama-sama semoga tuhan dapat mendenda dan menghalau 'penjajah' ni secepat mungkin,dan semoga semua mangsa-mangsa Yoga Zone dapat hidup senang dan sihat belaka.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god...please la. nothing change. go to hell la still want us to pay.

Anonymous said...

got changed la, now add on one word, 'urban' mah... Nice name, 'urban yoga zone'!

Anonymous said...

yeah tht will cost miss lay gaik 200RM, ur 2 monthly fee lor. no taste!

Anonymous said...

i dont think i have the confidence to invest in this lady urban yoga. once bitten twice shy mam!!

Anonymous said...

Now I fully understand why UY blog & Joshua blog do not have photos on newly renovated studio.

I just salute yogalover for her professional way in replying questions & comments


Anonymous said...

Sorry Lay Gaik,Im no SUCKER to be paying you money again, u will have to find some other way to fatten up urbank account, I rather pay more to join other more trustworthy yoga establishment.

Anonymous said...

Does Ojas have a website for us to check their class schedule?must say that yogaloft is really quick in setting up their database and making us feel important, got a welcome email just after i registered at their website!I think us all members should take our time to try out different yoga centres and decide which one suits us the best, there will be more upcoming yoga centres in the near future so lets not be "kiasu' and rush into signing up long term.Just remember, at the end of the day all these yoga centres need our money to survive,so we shd find one which suits us the best:) after all we are the paying their salaries.

Anonymous said...

How much for joining fee and monthly fee for Urban Yoga. Really RM88 permonth, any joining fee or registration fee. I heard that Ex YZ member RM88, new member RM138, is it true?

Anonymous said...

To anonymous@11.35pm,
forget about it la...find other yoga centre!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 17 Oct @ 10:57pm,

Agree to you that Ojas is a bit inefficient in their schedule. I called yesterday but next week schedule is not out yet le...

How to register at Yogaloft's website a? I can't see any registration there.

kpyoga said...

Hi yoga lover, I'm going to have a feel of yogaloft free class tomorrow morning. is the class having outside the shop? what about the changing room/wash room facilities?

Anonymous said...

anyone know where still got teacher training course? i have no idea about the fee n where can i join too ..

Anonymous said...

Hey anyone know tomorrow the free class @ Plaza kelana Jaya lake side got how many teacher teach?for what level ya..?

Unknown said...

Hi Jas,
Click the link below to register at Yogaloft:

Hi Kpyoga,
Class having outside the shop facing the lake. Changing room/wash room facilities are not ready yet.

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Fei,

Thanks a lot for providing so many useful information here and also helped in answering some of the queries. So kind of you and really appreciate it.

Hi Anonymous (17 Oct @ 9:32am),

So sorry that I don't have much information about Yogaloft yet as they are not to reveal anything at the moment. The best is to monitor the progress thru their website ( I will definitely post the updated information here if I have any.


Hi Anonymous (17 Oct @ 1:00pm),

Heard that Yogaloft will be officially launched in Nov but yet to have any detail. you may check and register via their website.

Yes, Yogasana is a new setup studio at Puchong. I have just received some details from one of the kind hearted reader here. I will post the details here soon.

Cheers ^_^
Hi Hello Kitty,

Urban Yoga is now only offers monthly membership. They don't even have the yearly membership as they know no body will sign up long term with them at the moment until they can regain the members' confidence.

Hi Anonymous (17 Oct @ 3:13pm)

Sorry that I don't have any news about Lan Shiang. Anyway, will try to check around and will update you if I can get any news about her.

Anyway, there are still many good teachers teaching around and do try on their classes.

Cheers ^_^

Hi Anonymous (17 Oct @ 10:57pm),

Ojas Yoga's website is but it is still under construction. So, you will not be able to see anything from this website yet. Just be patient.

It is having difficulty on checking the schedule as they are still under soft launching period and believe would be better once they are officially opened. I also all the way went to their studio for these two Sat to get the latest schedule to publish here.

You may now check it on my latest post that just uploaded (just went there this afternoon for the latest schedule).

Hope you will enjoy the classes. Cheers ^_^

Hi Anonymous (17 Oct @ 10:57pm),

Yes, ex-YZ members are charged @ RM88 while the public is @ RM138. However, this RM88 is only 3 years grace period for ex-YZ GC members and 1 year for ex-YZ annual members or those voucher purchasers. The RM138 or any new market price will be charged after the grace period.

There is no joining or registration fees be charged.

For further details, please contact the Sales Consultant there.

Hope I do answer your questions.

Anonymous said...

3 years grace period? i guess they are going to close in 3 months.

Anonymous said...

yeah! i am going to yoga by the lake tomorrow. ohhh sorry is gonna be later. sleep now. ciao!

Anonymous said...

Yes, good to hear that. However do you guys knew that TJ might be one of the co-owner of Yogaloft? Can someone check and update please....

Anonymous said...

whether TJ is co-owner of yogaloft or not doesn't matter to me, at least it started with a brand new leaf. I think that is much better than a so-called new company (by kicking out the owner) and operates under the SAME outlets, with same teachers, almost everything the SAME.. That's disgusting.

Anonymous said...

etsu wellness is a new setup wholly owned by etsu international, Japan. Checked from the Registrar of Company already, definitely not TJ.
Heard that Urban Yoga is providing a strict clause to all the current yoga teachers that is teaching there that they cannot in anyway communicating to the yogaloft's personnel, i.e. Dawid, Zen etc. This is a pathetic strategy as it only shows that Urban Yoga is taking yogaloft as a real threat.

Anonymous said...

It just shows that Lay Gaik/ UY isnt confident that their UY business will sustain or maybe LG just isnt sure of her own capabilities in running a business?

Anonymous said...

Until the true owners of Urban Yoga are established, no ex-YZ members should support the outlet. We should not keep supporting unscrupulous businessmen(women)and kept being cheated and complaint later. There are so many other outlets to join. YogaLover should also avoid promoting the outlet. Imaging if she or the principal of the outlet was the petitioner for the receivership and we "fools" join the outlet again? God bless all of us! I wrote to the receivers and to my surprise they actually replied to my letter. However, the reply was not satisfactory. I have also replied their letter and list out the issues that need to be addressed.I have indicated to the receivers that if their reply is not satisfactory, I shall file a complaint with the Malaysian Institute of Accountants or High Court for causing the YZ group to collapse due to their inaction and the suspicious opening of Urban Yoga. Please ex-members, our monies are hard earned and we should get rid of unscrupulous businessmen(women). Without Yoga is not the end of the world and further more Urban Yoga is not Tenaga where they monopolised the business. Try new things/outlets, you will be surprised what we have missed all this while!

Anonymous said...

anonymous October 20, 2008 12:14 PM: "maybe LG just isnt sure of her own capabilities in running a business?"
Start from getting in receiver until now become the owner of the outlets doesn't know what's her own capabilities in running a business & no confidence? i don't think so loh...^.^

Anonymous said...

walau i am zen fully supporter y said cannot contact furthermore i love her class, i attended the trial in kelana n feel comfortable with the environment n teachers very song, the teachers r very nice n teaching skills make me slep also dream it, i sure support them..if urban yoga dont hire them is their lost..

Anonymous said...

Totally agreed with Cheated October 20, 2008 2:52 PM!

Anonymous said...

I like the way that yogaloft website put it, "after all, it's the experience that counts". No one can take away the truth that tj had done at least one good thing, he brought yoga to us, better than the rest good-for-nothing managers.
However, they can never be worse than LG, the evil in the yoga history.

Yoga Lover said...

Just read the comment from Silence of The Lamb and wonder why UY set such a funny clause that not allow their teachers to communicate with Yogaloft's personnel only and not other yoga centers... Anyway, will try to find out more as I'm really curious about this funny clause.

Hi Cheated,

I can understand how you feel as I'm also one of the victim being conned. At first, I felt sad, angry and stupid. But later I took it as an experience or a lesson.

I totally agree to you that there are many good yoga centers and good yoga teachers which we have missed and neglected all this while as we only knew Yoga Zone previously bacause of their branding. We should give ourselves more options. I also learnt that will not tie-up any long term membership at this moment.

However, just would like to be fair to everyone as everyone has different opinion. Some would be like us would like to explore with more choices, some could be considering the factors such as location, price point or teachers etc.

There are some ppl still considering UY with their own reason as well. I was a bit sad and wonder how to help when I noticed the poll result shown majority chosen to practice at home. Would it because the fee charged is a burden to them as they are still servicing the YZ membership fees. May be UY fees considered affordable to them at this moment. So, at least they can continue their yoga practice.

Anyway, I just hope everyone can get their own best option. One thing I would like to clarify and emphasize here that I didn't promote UY but only providing the information like other studios. So that everyone knows the status and progress as well. I hope I can also get more information about Yogaloft as well as there are so many yogis here interested to join them...

Wish everyone All the Best and join your best choice of yoga center. Enjoy practicing...


Anonymous said...

I can help to post Ojas Yoga's schedule as I am a member there and make a habit of going every week.

Anonymous said...

Well,LG may be good in "snatching" away other people's business but it does not neccessarily mean that she knows how to run a business,or that she may have the "vision" like TJ. If it is true that UY teachers are not allowed to be in contact with anyone fr yogaloft( this is ridiculous and imposible to monitor)then it just shows that she knows from TJ's experience not to be too trusting of her employees and colleagues,coz afterall she knows whatevr happened to TJ can happen to her right?coz she has the same "loyal"management team as TJ!

Yoga Lover said...

Hi lyi,

Very nice format of the Ojas Yoga's schedule posted in your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Yogalover,
Thanks for your acknowledgement and visit :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous (21 Oct@10:09 AM), LG has the same "loyal" management team as TJ? really? may i know who are they? cos it seems like you know her very well from your comment?..:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous 21st Oct 4:59M,
Wouldnt it be great if Yogaloft open outlets at all the ex YZ location? :) :) :)
hee hee hee...

Anonymous said...

yogaloft not so cheap skate la, if they can invest two gantries at the highway, they are definitely not a small player.
See from the website their kelana investment is RM2.8 million. Urban yoga only 600k for three outlets, really cheapskate!

Anonymous said...

I will join yogaloft when opens, at least it is setup by an established company, last sunday, went to yamuna(Jennifer Ong)'s class, she's a great teacher! I will join them definitely.

Anonymous said...

haha! jennifer.. my favorite teacher! she's a great teacher!

Anonymous said...

I was jennifer student when at the very first I joined yogazone, jennifer, ken and tj built the reputation of yz together, however, she left since cheras opened. If as what rumours say, then 2/3 of the energy is at yogaloft side, and only 1/3 at urban.
is it because jennifer couldn't see all these happened and decided to be back to the team to give UY a real threat? Hmmm... Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Is that the same jennifer as the one from YZ?shes great!she was my favourite teacher when i first took up yoga at YZ!Yay!Im so happy ur back jennifer!

Anonymous said...

why urban yoga zone is still opening now !? i thought they close already

Anonymous said...

is urban yoga zone going to pay us back !

Anonymous said...

Another moron yoga centre appear!Malacca Yogaland have a Grand Opening on this Sunday.Heard that Jess,Ang and Cindy are teaching there.Sigh...really don't understand..why Alan and WenYi still have the guts and face to re-open...

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous (October 21, 11:26 PM)

yeah, looking forward to their centers, especially the kepong one.

hmm....I'm right here waiting

Anonymous said...

that's political strategy loh... they blame others to gain their credits. Typical CINAPEK!!!@

Anonymous said...

Hi, do you all know that Urban Yoga been taken over in Feb 2009? A listed company took over Urban Yoga. Anyone know aboot it?

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Anonymous (25 Feb 2009 @ 8:44pm),

Yes, you are right. Urban Yoga has been taken over by a company effective Feb 2009. If not mistaken, the company name is TMS Bhd. They will revise all the fees effective next month (Mar 2009) but yet to confirm the package price. Heard that definitely is an increment!

Anonymous said...

ic, Good, if the company is listed in KLSE, will be very stable. Sure Yoga members will be please to hear that. Hope the fees is quite reasonable. I might join in Kepong center.

Anonymous said...

wah, finally ya, some big player. i hope they are serious... not some 3 months money cheaters. i will ask my friend to help check this company background first

Anonymous said...

My friend checked the company - TSM Bhd and not TMS Bhd, Second board company in KLSE. She said the company is quite strong and make a lot profit past few years and strong financial also. Hehe, at last BIG player is in YOGA business. Hope they are serious.

Casey said...

wow i miss the mat..its been a long time since i haven't attended a yoga session, just because i have this allergies and have to bring along Anti Bacterial/Anti Biotic all the time