
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ojas Yoga (4)

Today really is a nice Sunday with so many yoga events. Couldn’t attend all and I have chosen to attend the Ojas Yoga Trial Class which I have made the reservation earlier. It was GREAT!

I thought I was attending a workshop instead of a trial class this morning. Gilbert made the class so lively and relaxed. He gave a short lecture of 45 minutes to introduce yoga, about the purpose and benefit of yoga, the safety of doing the postures, the balancing and etc. He talked and demonstrated in a humorous way and made the class’ atmosphere so lively, relaxed and filled with joy and laughter, not bored at all on the lecture. Thereafter, we have an hour of yoga practice in a nice environment where the studio equipped with nice flooring and quality mats, and most important has very good air ventilation as the sliding doors are opened and facing greenery (see the pictures below or better pay a visit there to experience it as hard to describe in words).

I really regretted why didn’t attend Gilbert’s class when I was a member at YZ. Thought that he was the Yoga Chief of YZ so must be conducting advance classes. As a beginner, I only chose to attend those Element or other basic classes. Really a loss…!

Brief Introduction
There are 3 studios. The biggest studio is located at the Mezzanine Floor while the medium and small (not really small) studios are located at the First Floor. The trial classes are conducted at the First Floor as the Mezzanine Floor is still under construction and estimated to be ready in another 2 weeks time. As such, unable to view it yet. There will have shower cabins and lounge at the Mezzanine Floor as well but can only view it when it is ready.

The air ventilation here is very good as this is a corner lot and facing to greenery. The flooring is nice and good quality mats are provided. There are balconies outside each studio at the First Floor and there are some plants at the balconies. Nice view...

Okay, let share some snapshots. Sorry that the pictures are not so sharp as too excited and a bit blur this morning, didn’t set a high resolution while capturing the picture…

Being the first day of soft launching, it considered very successful. There is quite good response today and some first time visitors already signed up as most considered the fee is reasonable for the quality provided. Anyway, have found out some details about the packages offered as per below:
Unlimited Class @ RM180 per month but will be limited to 300 members only as Ojas Yoga's mission is to focus on the quality and safety of the students. Once this limit is achieved, whoever interested may purchase the Passes @ RM25 per pass.

Unlimited Class
3-Month @ RM540 + FOC 1-Month (limited to first 100 members)
3-Month @ RM540 + FOC 10 Passes (limited to the next 50 members)
1-Month @ RM180 + FOC 5 Passes (the balance of the 150 members)

*Note: Once the above Unlimited Membership is expired, the member is given 7 days grace period for renewal. Failing which, the vacancy of Unlimited Membership will be released for others.

Each Pass @ RM25
20 Passes @ RM500 + FOC 10 Passes
10 Passes @ RM250 + FOC 5 Passes

* Note: The Passes are valid for 1-year.

Payment Method
Cash or Cheque at the moment due to the Credit Card facility is not ready yet. This card payment facility will be available once it is installed.

So, do bring along your cheque book or cash if you are keen to join this nice yoga center. However, they do accept RM50 deposit to reserve the Unlimited Class Packages and to pay the balance later as most of the participants interested to buy the 3-month package but didn’t bring so much cash for the class this morning.

Slight Changes on Trial Classes' Time
There are slight changes on the timing of the next 5 days Trial Classes. The 11:00am class changed to 10:30am and the 5:15pm class changed to 5:30pm. Please refer to my earlier post "Ojas Yoga (3)" on 29 Sep 2008 for this week Trial Class' schedule (lazy to scan their schedule, heehee...)


Anonymous said...

Are those manduka mats?Its too far for me,or else I wd definitely join :(
Gilbert, pls open 1 in pj :) :) :)

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Anonymous (5t Oct @ 8:58pm),

I think so. It is auite sticky and I won't feel my knee so pain when I did cat stretch. Normally I will use my towel to protect my knee...

Anyway, really enjoyed the class this morning and can see a lot of cheerful faces from the students. You should go there and have a try as I over heard that got students all the way came from Klang.

Anonymous said...

Hi yogalover :)
Thanks,i will see if I can make it next week.You have been a great help updating us with all the yoga centres,really appreciate it :)

Anonymous said...

For those who's staying at Bkt Jalil area, u guys are lucky cos Gilbert is one of d best yoga teachers, & that made me one if his regular class follower during YZ era. Though his class are advance level but he would advise us not to force & listen to one own's body. His classes were always fun & lively & i am really thankful to have had a chance to practice yoga with him :) Gosh! i miss his class so much.

And i am really happy that u guys enjoyed it.


Anonymous said...

any timetable from Ojas Yoga?

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Anonymous (6th Oct @ 9:54am),

Ojas Yoga is tentatively released a week schedule on their Trial Classes till 10th Oct. You may get a copy from them or please refer to my earlier post on 29 Sep 2008 with the title "Ojas Yoga (3)" for the Trial Class' schedule and contact numbers for reservation.

Anonymous said...

who are the teachers in ojas yoga? when is the official opening n timetable?

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that a lot of new yoga centre open at klang valley, I wonder is that any new yoga centres will be open at Balakong or Serdang area (I means is open by the ex-YZ teacher)?

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Anonymous (6th Oct @ 10:21am),

The Full Time teachers at Ojas Yoga are Gilbert, Jane & Yoon. They will get few experienced part time teachers as well but yet to know the names.

They yet to confirm when will be the official opening, guess next month... But heard that there will be a grand opening early next year.

Hi Anonymous (6th Oct @ 10:25am),

Yet to hear any ex-YZ teachers to open yoga centers at Balakong or Serdang. But the nearest could be Life Yoga or Ojas Yoga at the moment.

Just got to know that Yoga Mind in KL also opened by ex-YZ teachers. I'm in the midst sorting the info and will share later once it is done.

Anonymous said...

dear yoga lover,
yoga mind is opened by joanne(ex yz teacher), studio locate somewhere in kepong.

Anonymous said...

I just signed up for 3months unlimited package... :D. Hope that Ojas Yoga also can organise outdoor yoga at Bukit Jalil Park since the studio was so near to it! Looking forward!

Unknown said...

Dont forget, OneYoga just a few shops away.

Anonymous said...

Heard from Gilbert that the other teachers in Ojas Yoga will be Ethan and Serena.

Anonymous said...

Hey Yoga Lover... I was wondering who are you when i following ur blog... finally i knew who are you. I'm just sat beside you.. attended the "talk" but not joining the class..

Yar..Gilbert is a very nice teacher... you can learn a lot from him.. not only those asana.. but more than that... if you have chance to attend his ttc.. you will find more on him... =)

Let's enjoy our yoga life in Ojas!

Samantha here... Namaste!

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Samantha,

Thanks and glad to know that you also attended the talk at Ojas Yoga and must be enjoying it.

Sorry that I didn't really notice you. But, guess you must be one of the few pretty young ladies that sitting at the back of the studio near the balcony.

You knew that's me because I was so busy body that capturing photos, right? Haha...

Hope you will also enjoy your yoga practice and happy always. Wish to meet you again. CHEERS ^_^

Anonymous said...

hi Yogalover,

would love to know whether ojas WILL conduct night classes for the working groups.

If 7pm is the latest class,then many working adults may not find it feasible to join...

or my suggestion is..perhaps ojas could offer a weekend package for those who couldn't make it during the weekdays:)

hope to hear favourable news on it.

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Kelly,

The schedule here is only for trial classes. They yet to have the timetable for actual classes and believe they will cater evening class for working group.

If you intend to attend weekend classes only and want to be flexible, then recommend you to buy their Passes. It is flexible as you can attend any time you are available and would not waste if you are busy at certain weeks or months as it is valid for a year. They are offering 10 Passes @ RM250 + FREE 5 Passes and 20 Passes @ RM500 + FREE 10 Passes.

Hope I answer your query and will update you all again if I manage to get their confrimed schedule for actual classes upon opening. Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

i may consider buying the passes as its far too far for me to travel on weekdays with the peak after hr office traffic and all.Do hope to attend Gilbert's classes on weekends.

Anonymous said...

hi kelly, i just signed up as member & as informed by Jane that the official timetable will be 3 classes in morninf & 4-6 classes at evening.The latest class will be 8pm. Serena & Ethan will be on part time basic

Anonymous said...

Thanks yogalover and anonymous:)

Each passes is entitled for one class only? or how it goes?

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Kelly,

Yes, each Pass is for 1 class and it is valid for a year.

Hi Fei,

Yes, One Yoga is at no. 2A, Block 13 and will be opened next month in Nov. I will try to pay a visit when it is opened there and update you all thereafter.

Anonymous said...

Hi YogaLover,
I really like your blog and all its information.!!

Can you post more information (when you have them) on Yoga Loft in Kelana Jaya? It is near my workplace and I would like to find out more..


Yoga Lover said...

Hi pl,

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Sure I will update you all once I got the details of Yogaloft as it is my next target since so many visitors here are so interested about it. This urge me to find more information but they are not willing to reveal much at the moment.

I only have very brief info about it as below:

1. Yogaloft is a brain child of etsu wellness after one year planning since end of year 2007.

2. Yogaloft is solely owned by etsu wellness, a subsidiary of etsu international, Japan.

3. etsu believes in simple and non-complicated formula, both in beauty and wellness. It started at Okinawa Japan, as a best well kept secret for longevity of life.

4. Yogaloft is aimed to build a strong and committed community who live life and love life, particularly the LOHAS (lifestyle of health and sustainability) group.

5. The new breed of this yoga sanctuary, lead by an experienced, dynamic and sophisticated multi-tasking management team with the thorough know-how in yoga and wellness industry, as well as the most reputable and popular teaching team, complimented by the state-of-the-art facilities, non-intimidating ambience and strategic locations, are meant to create a leading wellness establishment not only domestically, but ultimately, internationally.

Their website is but nothing to view at the moment except stated "November 2008". Believe they will only officially launch next month. Will try to follow up.

Anonymous said...

Is it real that Serena is going to teach in OJAS?

Can anyone who is close to Gilbert tell him not to hire this bad mouthed, so called 'teacher' ?

I personally heard she and her followers, including some teachers criticized before that Gilbert and his students, like Jane, Yoon does not know how to teach, criticized until 1 cents not worth, so I think Gilbert NOT supposed to hire such bad teachers, we do not want her to make this nice place got poluted again!

I love Jane's class, so dear yogalover, please do not delete my post, Thanks!

Yoga Lover said...

Hi LoveJane,

Don't worry, I won't delete any post if it is not too negative as I wish positive energy and peaceful disussion here. I welcome all comments as long as not over critisized and strictly no "four-letter" words here.

Are you the anonymous that posted yesterday's night at 10:53pm?

Anyway, just to let you know that we should be at the same fan club as I'm also one of Jane's fans. She is my favourite teacher and I love her classes very much, especially her Hot class. So, please don't jeopardize the good name of my favourite teacher oh...

Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

Dear Yogalover,

i'm really admire your hard work n effort in providing us the info. a big **thumb up** for u!

fyi, i've sign up one yoga, not sure when they move to bkt jalil will it be convenient for me. how's ur practice at life yoga? :)

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Cutiecate,

Thanks for your big thumb up.

How are you? We still yet to have chance to meet up and not hear from you for quite some time. Thought that you are not following up my blog already.

I have attended few classes at Life Yoga and the teachers said that I'm too stiff in performing the postures. So, have to put in more hard work and effort loh...I won't give up as I love yoga and found that it really benefit me, especially my health. Gambate!

If not mistaken, ONE Yoga will be shifted to Bukit Jalil next month and the address is No. 2A, Jalan 13/155B, Aked Esplanad, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur. Wish you enjoy your practice there. Cheers ^_^

Unknown said...

Hi lovejane,

You have a choice to make whether attending anyone of the yoga teachers classes. If the teacher not suit you, just ignore that teacher class.
No need to urge Gilbert stop hire any teacher you dislike.

Gilbert said he wants the quality yoga class. That's the reason he hires Serena.

Anonymous said...

To loveJane,

Dont bad mouthed to people, then u should start from yourself. If u dont like the teacher then dont go to the class, attend the teacher you like. I think Gilbert knows is very clear that who is the good teacher that he want to hire. Just enjoy your yoga practics.... and keep silents...

Anonymous said...

I made time to dropped by Ojas on 5th after joining the morning session at Plaza Kelana Jaya.I absolutely love the place (Ojas) cos there's a cheery vibe about it even its still under renov..Must be the bustling of people there. I must say, it was quite kan cheong to sign up cos the memberships were going off like hotcakes.I've signed up and tomorrow will be my first lesson there.Besides, I've also told my friend about it. Ah, .. sorry, just sharing the joy ;)
Thanks to Yogalover for sharing all the info otherwise I'd prollie be clueless about it.Thanks a bunch!

Yoga Lover said...

Hi lyi,

You're most welcome. Thanks a lot for sharing your joy here to light up our lives again. Wish you enjoy your yoga life at Ojas Yoga and do share more joys and your experience there with us. Really appreciate it.

In fact, I should thank eveyone here for your kind comments, information, support and courage. I'm glad to hear all your excitement, joys and experience. The biggest satisfaction is knowing that the information here is useful and helpful for some of you and most important is to light up again your spirit and yoga life.

I really enjoy doing all these surveys, compilations, updates and blogging here. Now, I have been addicted in blogging, haha...

Once again, THANKS for all your kind comments and feedbacks which give me courage and made me motivated. I finally found my passion and realised that life is is so beautidul and not only working, working and working (that was me for the past so many yearsss). THANK YOU.

Anonymous said...

dear yogelover,

a stupid question, since you have been doing all this survey on the yoga centres? Which centre are you joined?

Anonymous said...

why all the yoga centre also got serena name? she may be good in posture, but i think yoga mind matter most. she sign contract w YZ using her sister name n ic no. tat is disgusting!!

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Anonymous (9th Oct @ 10:31am),

I have just signed up with Life Yoga and have attended few classes already such as Basic, Yogilates, Rhythm Yoga conducted by Ti Mei, Christy and Sharon. I like the place as it is near to my home and the class is small and comfortable where teachers can pay more attention to us. They really teach from their heart. The only disadvantage to me is the evening schedule. Due to only 1 studio available, the interval of each class is 1.5 hrs. It is too rush for me to attend 6:30pm but too late for 8:00pm. So, prefer Fri and Sat clasess (Fri off duty early and off on Sat) unless I able to rush for 6:30pm class. Sun has no class...

I will be going to Ojas Yoga as I like there very very much in term of environment, teachers and quality. But it is slightly further. Anyway, can attend weekend classes... I really like there!

I might be joining Urban Yoga for a try when it is reopen at Cheras Plaza on 15th Oct as this is the original place which is convenient to me. Will update you later once I have experienced there. Okie! Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

Hi yogalover,
Im waiting for nov ro check out ninie's studio in d'sara perdana and yogaloft, both are convenient for me as 1 is near my wrk place and the other is near my house, however am a bit concern that ninies place may be a bit "intimidating" as she has so many celebrity friends( not that i have anythng agnst them just that may feel a bit out of plc :))Want a place i can feel comfy like a 2nd home without feeling 'self conscious'. But later on i may buy the passes for ojas yoga as i like the look and feel of the place from the photos that u have taken and will attend weekend classes just like u.

Anonymous said...

i had my 1st trial class on last tue by Yoon, it really nice!

Anonymous said...

hi yogalover,

hehe... i'm following up ur blog almost everyday, jz reading but not giving any comment. ;p

me too... body still stiff! donno is tat bcos of my coffee intake?? given up coffee only for 2 to 3 weeks then i can't resist n resume back, haha! i've ask Ken b4, he not sure bout this but he said the body stiffness more due to the our natural body structure, if coffee did affect our flexibility, it wont be the major reason.

Ojas sound so good... jz tat i found their fees are bit expensive. not sure after their trial week can we attend any trial class for free leh?? :D

regarding opening of cheras urban yoga, wondering do we hv the complimentary free classes to attend as we r YZ members??!!

Anonymous said...

Dear cutiecake,
YZ is gone, being ex YZ members doesnt give us any privelleges anymore with UY, UY may think the rm88 mthly fees is a privellege to ex YZ members but I do not think so.

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Cutiecate,

Glad to hear that you are here most of the time. I will try my best to update more to share.

Am checking with Ojas Yoga whether anymore trial class after 10th Oct but yet to receive any reply.

Will upload a little details about Yoga Mind in Kepong later, so that hope Kepong friends can have another option.

Trying to gather more information about Urban Yoga Cheras Plaza by mid Oct, ONE Yoga new studio at Bukit Jalil and Yogaloft by Nov... Hope can get their details to share.

Anyone has the info or clue, please let me know. Thanks.

Hi Anonymous (9th Oct @ 12:45pm),

I will follow up on the Yogaloft and hope can provide info for you soon. Ya, you may purchase the Passes from Ojas Yoga and attend their weekend classes. Btw, you may join the outdoor yoga conducted at Plaza Kelana Jaya lakeside on every Sun morning @ 7:45am. Heard that it is very good. Do share your experience with us if you have a chance to join them this weekend and hope you enjoy it. Cheers ^_^

Unknown said...

Hi Yogalover,

Just received an e-mail from One Yoga. Apparently they will only relocate to Bukit Jalil in Dec.You can call Samantha Cheah
H/P: 017-365 9809

Understand from Gil that trial classes end this Friday. Next week's classes are only for those who have purchased membership but their membership will only be activated when renovation is completed.


Yoga Lover said...

Hi Jay,

Thanks for your update. I received the email from Samantha as well mentioned that ONE Yoga will only relocate to Bukit Jalil in Dec instead of Nov. I did send her an email asking a favour from her to keep me notified when their Bukit Jalil studio is opened.

Wow, so fast Ojas' trial class finished. So, that means their packages must be sold quite well or could be full already oh... Congrat to Ojas Yoga and wish them All the BEST. For those have joined Ojas, wish you all enjoy your yoga practice there and please do remember to share with us your experience and enjoyment... Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

Received this sms this morning :

Dear Y Futness Members, u r invited 2 meet the new mgmt team from Clark Hatch International on Tues Oct, 14 at 7.30pm @ Centro Grand Ballroom. See u there.

Anybody have information rgds Clark Hatch? Pls let me know. Thks!

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Anonymous (9th Oct @ 8:35pm),

Clark Hatch is an international fitness center. There are over 50 Clark Hatch Clubs located in over 14 different countries, such as USA, China, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and etc.

Found that they are normally located in hotels in Malaysia such as below:

Klang Valley:
- The Legend Hotel, KL
- The Crown Princess, KL
- Park Royal, KL
- Kuala Lumpur Hilton
- P.J. Hilton

Other States:
- Penang: Sheraton Penang Hotel
- Malacca: Melacca Renaissance Hotel
- Johore: The Puteri Pan Pacific Hotel
- Sabah: Sheraton Labuan
- Sarawak: Kuching Hilton
: Holiday Inn Miri

I got the above from their website -

Hope other can provide more details. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yoga lover, thank u very much rgds information of Clark Hatch.

Unknown said...

Ojas Sunday classes:

9am Intro Yoga by Serena
12pm Vinyasa by Serena
2pm Yogacore by Gilbert

Anonymous said...

Yogalover said she has been addicted in blogging but I think I'm worse..I've been fallen in love with her blog..haha


Yoga Lover said...

Hi Fei,

Thanks for the update here.

How are you and your yoga life? I'm just back from Ti Mei's Basic class at Life Yoga. Enjoy the class and may attend Christy's B.Yogilates tomorrow.

Hi le,

Glad to see you here too. You are really a nice person and always give courage to the bloggers. Saw your very positive comments and compliment to Joshua lately. He already started a new chapter in his blog.

Hi Cutiecate,

Heard about the news of Urban Yoga Cheras Plaza but so many different versions. Anyway, am checking on it and hope to get some reliable info and update you soon...

Anonymous said...

Next week schedule for OjasYaga still got trial. May be can call up for enquiry.

Unknown said...

Hi Yoga Lover,

I'm okay, just another no yoga class day. hehe..

Glad to know that you have joint Life yoga, it has great teachers there.

Have you tried Lai Yee class in Life Yoga? I miss her class sooo much.

Yoga Lover said...

Hi Anonymous (11 Oct @ 11:43am),

I just went to Ojas Yoga to ask for the latest schedule. Yes, you are right that there are still have few trial classes while others are for members. Will update here later tonite as will be going to Life Yoga to attend Sharon's class shortly (can only go for classes on weekends nowadays)...

Hi Fei,

Lai Yee has no longer at Life Yoga when i joined them. There are now have Sharon, Christy, Ti Mei (Samatha) and Stephanie. The teachers there are nice, kind and patient.

Urban Yoga Cheras Plaza will have 2 weeks free trial class from next Wed, so lets try out (so that can have 2 weeks free classes to stretch, haha...)

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