
Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Another Sunday Yoga Activity on 12th Oct 2008

It is great as today is Sunday, another busy off working day for me as planned to go to Taman Tasik Permaisuri as never seen nor visit any outdoor yoga yet. Then, need to go to Ojas Yoga as have made a reservation of Intro Yoga class.

Okay, woke up early in the morning as need to search for the Light Yoga ourdoor practice as never been Taman Tasik Permaisuri for about 15 years.

By the time I stepped into the park, I told myself: "Gosh, how to find the Light Yoga group!" The park was so crowded althogh it was early morning @ 7:30am. At glance, I saw so many groups of activities such as kung fu, qi kung (I guess), dancing and etc but no yoga. So, just kept walking follow the jogging track. Finally, I found the group by hearing "Inhale, Exhale, haha... so fammiliar". They are in fact set up a nice place next to the Stadium Bola Sepak. Please refer to the map below which I have marked their location in the park, if you plan to join their outdoor yoga on every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month in future.
Please click the above map to enlarge it for better view

There were 2 different classes on going at the same time. The lft side in the picture was the Hatha class conducted by Grady while the right side was PW class by Thomas.

The place there is nice as open air, so fresh.... However, the practitioners must be very focus and concentrate as a lot of distraction due to the park is so busy and crowded. There are so many people walking around and some of them are curious and stopped by to watch. You can see from the picture below, this is only part of the people (including the kids) standing in front of the practitioners and watched.

I'm one of the culprits this morning caused the distraction while capturing the pictures. So sorry to them....

I wonder why other kung fu and dancing groups were no being surrounded by the people like yoga. May be it is new in the park and the regular visitors there never seen before and curious. It may be good to advertise "YOGA" to more people.

After visited the outdoor yoga at Taman Tasik Permaisuri, I proceed to Bukit Jalil to attend Serena's Intro Yoga.

The class was great! It was about 90 minutes Intro Yoga which is really benefit to those yoga beginners like me as Serena explained in details beside doing asana. She talked about our body's 12 joints (arm - shoulders, elbows and wrists; leg - hips, knees and ankles), internal and external rotation, balancing, how to use the right muscle to protect ourselves and not to hyper-extend to avoid any injury and etc.

The studio was so windy this morning, felt like practicing yoga in a park or onboard a ship, haha...

After the class, Serena attended to few students' queries by giving them some personal guidance and advice.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Yogalover. I have been to Tmn Tasik Permaisuri, and the first question that came to my mind when I first heard the about class was, where in the whole of Tmn Tasik Permaisuri will the class be held? And I have not met Thomas or Grady before; so might accidentally join the wrong crowd if there happen to be other yoga sessions at the same time! I still have not made it to the class; so your map will come in handy when I do so. Thanks once again.

Anonymous said...

Hi yogalover,

Just would like to ask - Anyone knows the news of Penny? Is she teaching anywhere? She is one of my favourite instructor.

Anonymous said...

H yogalover88,
I never understood what serena meant by hyperextend and bfore i cd ask her,YZ was closed :( Can you kindly explain to me?


Yoga Lover said...

Hi Hello Kitty,

Not hearing from you for quite a while and glad that this simple map could be useful to you.

In fact, the place is not far from the entrace next to the Kompleks Renang, just few minutes walk. From the entrance, just turn right and you will see them on your right side next to the Stadium Bola Sepak.

Hi Kelly,

If not mistaken, Penny is attached to Urban Yoga as I saw her name in Urban Yoga's blog - Kepong schedule. Believe is the same person.

Hi Anonymous (13 Oct @ 1:43am),

Hyperextend is a common mistake made by new practitioners on the knees and elbows. This will lock our knees and elbows and put on more presurre on it and if we continue doing the same everyday when we practice, it will cause injury.

This common mistake normally happen when we do standing posts or bending our knee such as Tadasana, Warrior posts, Triangle post etc. Do remember to apply the thigh muscle by pulling the kneecap up. You will feel that your legs are slightly bend.

As for the elbows, it often happens when performing Plank post, Downward Facing Dog, Cat Stretch etc.

It is better seeking a teacher's advice and demonstration as by words is hard to understand. I tried to search for some articles and doctors also advise not to lock the knees but I couldn't get it until the teachers demonstrated it for me.

Hope the senior/advanced practitioners or any teachers here could verify my statement above and would appreciate to correct me if anything stated not accurate. THANKS.

In fact, I have been making this mistake for years by habit as I like to stand imbalance by putting much pressure on my right leg. This caused my right knee weak and pain. I only realised it when start practicing yoga. Sometimes still unintentionally made the same mistake but trying my best to improve it.

p/s: should I say that you are late owl or early bird? Better don't sleep too late so often as this is not good for health, haha... too "kpc" already but wish everyone has good health. Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

May i know take any intro yoga class again for this ojas yoga? Last time i miss attend it coz i not in KL.

Anonymous said...

Hi yogalover that's you, you ah dun be like that lah snap our buttocks & publish to the web, haha just joking. I've been following Thomas group for outdoor yoga, it is really wonderful. Would like to take this opportuniy to thank Thomas & Grady, they're such great teachers that promote yoga & healty lifestyle to the public FOC. Thanks to you too yogalover for publishing our "beautiful" photos in your blog, do join us lah next time...


Yoga Lover said...

Hi Anonymous (13 Oct @ 11:02am),

Don't see any Intro Yoga class from 13th to 17th Oct. But you may try their TRIAL class which has at least once a day for this whole week. You may also call @ 016-3354773 for more details whether anymore Intro Yoga this weekend and also make booking.

Wish you enjoy your yoga practice and have a nice week ahead. Cheers ^_^

Hi le,

You were there yesterday!

I'm sorry that didn't snap the picture nicely as I'm not a good photographer, always hand shaking and don't know to take from a nice angle. Moreover, my brother has taken my camera, so can only snap the picture with my PDA. Please give me some time to improve my skill and will try to capture it again next time (no more buttock scene, promise...)

From the postures, you all already told me that this is a class for advanced students. Wow, so many difficult posts being performed so well and nice by you all. Dare not get myself in oh, haha...

Hope to see you again as wish to meet up with you, someone so nice that giving courage and motivate the bloggers!

Cheers ^_^

Anonymous said...

Dear yogalover,
Thanks for the explaination on hyperextension, I think i get wht u mean :) Yeah i ve been a note owl ever since i ve stopped yoga since YZ was closed :( Waiting patiently for nov to come. very sunfu without food deep sleep fr yoga.

Anonymous said...

Oops I meant nite owl and good deep sleep!hehe.( guess lack of sleep which is causing all these typo errors:))

Anonymous said...

yogalover (13 Oct @ 1.28pm)
thank for you reply, i will call them to check n booking my trial class.

Anonymous said...

Ya yogalover, all of them are very good, if you see someone can't do the advanced posture, that's me loh..haha. So, dun worry to join, you have me to accompany you..

See you, Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Dear yogalover...

Thanks alot for all the infos you gave us all this while. About the yoga class at tmn tasik the class start at 7.30am or early? Do we've to pay for the class or is free?


Yoga Lover said...

Hi Anonymous (18 Oct 2008 @ 4:02pm),

You are most welcome and it is my pleasure to share with you all.

The outdoor yoga at Taman Tasik Permaisuri starts at 7:30am, so that you better be there 10 minutes earlier to get your place ready (with your own mat). It is currently free of charge as Light Yoga's teachers conduct it on volunteer basis. This has to thank Thomas and other teachers from Light Yoga.

However, please note that this is only on 2nd and 4th Sundays of the months as they will conduct it at Taman Metropolitan, Kepong on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the months.

Please refer to my latest post that just uploaded which have a list of yoga event for the coming week. If you are available on weekdays, you may actually try on the free classes organized by the Cultural Centre of Indian Embassy.

Cheers ^_^

Casey said...

i know yoga contributes something really good for both Women's Health and
Men's Health, but too sad people are not really into this. I hope someday you can find a lot of yoga centers everywhere.